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Word Count: 1796


Something feels different about tonight.

I feel like causing trouble.

As usual, Ark is on guard tonight outside my door. It's as if I can feel his physical presence, and no matter how much I toss and turn I can't get him out of my head.

I shove a pillow over my face, groaning. This has to be because of Ark's torturous rule that I can't touch myself.

It's not like I think we will have sex...I just want to talk, to have him entertain me for an hour or so.

Biting my lower lip, I look around my room for a way to innocently get his attention. It needs to be enough that he will come into my room without asking my permission.

Gently, I press my bare feet to the floor and stand, making my way to my dresser.

"You're going to regret this, Kiva," I murmur to myself as I sift through my drawer for my prettiest night dress.

Quietly, I change into a blush pink one. I doubt the colour will impress him much, but it's faintly sheer nature might.

And then, after drawing in a breath of confidence. I knock my lamp onto the ground.

It makes a horrific enough bang that I wince, quickly leaning down to grab it.

"What's going on in there?" Ark calls through the door.

"Nothing, Ark." It's ambiguous enough that I know he won't let it pass by unchecked.

The door opens and Ark strolls confidently in. When I'm changing or don't want him to look at me, I usually screech a warning at him through the door not to come in.

So I can imagine his shock as he pauses just as the door clicks shut, seeing me stooped on the ground to collect the broken lamp wearing almost nothing.

"Woah...Kiva." His voice is unfamiliar. It's darker, heavier.

"Sorry. I broke this..." I look over my shoulder at him.

He swallows tightly, turning to stalk back out the room. "I'll leave."

"Wait. No."

My tone sounds strangled enough, desperate enough that he pauses, hand hovering over the door handle. I force back my grimace, not ready to release him from this uncomfortable moment just yet.

"Is there something else you need?" He asks.

"Can you help me? I've made a mess." I gesture down to my lamp, the fabric shade having broken off, left mangled and unsalvageable. Even the bulb itself has shattered, leaving shards of broken glass all over my floor.

Ark swallows, as if he forgot that he would usually be straight to assisting me without me needing to request it.

"Yes. I can."

He's by my side in an instant, brushing my hands away from the mess, tending to it himself.

I stare at the side of his face, the beautiful lines highlighted by the moonlight streaming through my window. His jaw is clenched so tightly it looks like it hurts.

"Everything okay?" I ask softly, watching him adeptly collect the glass, sweeping it into the trash.

He doesn't look at me. "You're not dressed..."

His gaze doesn't so much as drift in my direction as he works. It's like my body offends him, but in reality, it's because he doesn't believe he has the restraint.

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