chapter 12: battles of childhood

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Leon's POV

"So is he going to tell her?" Asked Michael. "No he said he thinks it's best if he maintains a distance because Hyde might find her through him"  I said.

I'd figured by now that Hyde was their father and he'd sent some boxes to Amelia and now Axel appears and tells us that he's her brother but he's been far away.

For goodness sake they are siblings how can someone live far from their siblings? It just doesn't make sense for someone  to live far from their own family.

And he mentioned that at 18 he also moved out. Why couldn't he tell the authorities  about what was going on. Their father was a price but he decided to keep quiet about it.

It honestly doesn't make sense. Axel , Hyde it never is making sense.

"So what are you planning on doing?" Asked Michael.  I just shook my head  and looked at Amelia's  sleeping figure.

"Whats the worst that could happen. I'd drive her back home and give her a few days off" I said not really thinking straight about this.

"What a typical lover boy." Said Michael laughing  I looked at him and shook my head. "What do you want me to do?"  He just looked at me and chuckled.

"Nah you'll eventually get the hang of it."

Amelia's  POV

I really  had woken up  but I just couldn't open these damn eyes. Whatever shot that doctor gave me it worked but now it's time .

Waking up I tried to sit up straight which took about 10miinutes.  Just as I was about to get off the bed Leon walked in.

"Amelia , you shouldnt be even considering  doing that at all. Please lay down" he said whole repositioning  me to the position I was already at.

"I really want to go home please" I said looking outside I saw that it was already dark and the clock on my bed side already said it was seven in the evening.

"No you can go tomorrow. Right now just take more rest then tomorrow morning I'll drive you home." He said. I  can't stay here. Its my biggest phobia. I spent most of my childhood  here. I almost died twice and now  sleeping here just brings about the worst memories anyone can ever have.

"Don't worry Amelia. I'll be with you the  whole night" he said.  I looked at him.  "No you can't do that. You've got Milan at home. I'm sure you're used to being with him at this time. So please just go to him and don't  worry about me." I said.

He was about to protest  but I stopped him. "Your first priority  is Milan and don't ever change that. So please go to him. I'll be okay"  I said. He looked at me one more time before he hugged me  and kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back tomorrow morning at 6" he said and walked out of the room.

I looked around the room and it came back. Dad used to pay off doctors to give me the wrong dose of medicines. One day I got an injection that made me look like  I'm dead for 24 hours straight. I felt frozen and restricted  from doing anything other than staring up and the  white ceiling  above.

When I got free  from that he simply said it was a punishment for all the bad things I'd done. I didn't dare ask because I'd just get another punishment.

A nurse came with my food at 8.  I then remembered  how my food would would either burnt or just plain drugged and the'd force  me to it otherwise.

I asked for some privacy and when she went out I quickly got my plate and disposed the food out of the window luckily there were some bushes this side. Noone would notice it at least for  now.

After about 30minutes the same nurse came back with my medicines.

"Oh for the love of God why this" I said intrinsically. Pills  when you're a child you'd never get the whole block they'd powdered it and dissolve it in whatever.

I was one of the one in a billion kids who were never given the correct medicines by the doctor  through of course dad's bribery.

"Patients  tend to not take their medicines. So it's a must that I have to ensure that you've taken yours" she said while handing me the tablet.

It can't   be one of those days. He's gone and he isn't coming  back. I'm far from him and he can never do that again can he?

After taking the tablets she wished me a good night and walked out of the room.

I was now feeling a bit drowsy so I decided to lay down.  I just put my head on the pillow and in that moment I started feeling suffocated. My breath  was coming out really shallow and I could not even move to  press the emergency  button  next to my bed.

I felt  as though someone was choking me. I couldn't breathe again. All the images of him were flashing through my mind.

"You were never a good daughter  Amelia. Look at yourself . You're pathetic. You think you're a princess don't you"  he said while he ripped open my favourite stuffed toy.

"You're not perfect. You can never be perfect. Do you know why because daddy doesn't want you. Nor does he want anything to do with you. Your life isn't even precious I could cut  it just like that" he said while ripping off my teddy's head.

My mother walked in and saw what was happening. "Goodness me Hyde what's this. Come to mommy Amelia. Come my princess." I felt like a huge stone had been lifted  off my shoulders  as I ran into my mothers arms.

She started caressing my hair. But in a moment I felt her pulling hard on it. "Stupid girl.  She understands nothing Hyde.  Just look at her. She responds to the word princess pathetic" she said and gripped my hair hard and threw me to the ground.

I was dizzy and the whole room was spinning. I could feel my own blood running across my face. "Disgusting." Muttered my mother  as she walked out of the door . "Let's see if a prince will save this so called princess"  he said and switched  off the lights and left me to drown  in my own pain.

I woke up in a room filled with doctors and nurses. "Thank  goodness  You're okay Ms Amelia." Said one of them.

"We'd lost you for 10seconds. If it wasn't for Mr Knight we can't fathom what could've happened with you" he said.

"I'll call him in" he said and walked out along with everyone else  and a very worried Leon stepped in.

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