Chapter 20 - Zoom Zoom 🚗

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(Edited January 8, 2024)

- Next Day - Morning - Hell -

Laying in bed snuggled close to Lucifer, having decided to spend the night in hell due to his insistence. Mandrew lays by my feet sleeping peacefully as I mumble, opening my eyes sleepily. "Morning Princess. Sleep good?" Lucifer smiles at me as I slowly boot up my brain.

"Hm? Yeah.. I like it down here with you." I snuggle closer to Lucifer with a smile, nuzzling my head into his chest.

"You know.. you could just... Stay here." Lucifer says as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Hm? What do you mean?" My brows furrow in confusion.

"Stay here with me.. be mine." Lucifer's eyes glow with grace. "The queen of hell."

"I can't do that Luce-" I think about the boys..

"Why not? What's stopping you? The Losechesters?" Lucifer scowls as he says their nickname.

"It wouldn't be fair to the others.." I look down at his shirt with a frown.

"So?" Lucifer shrugs, wanting to be selfish.

"How about this, I'll come down here sometimes and spend the night, or a couple nights. I can even bring some clothes n' stuff." Lucifer sighs loudly with disappointment. Wanting to just kidnap me and be done with it.. but he knows that would make me hate him.. he can't have that.

"Alright.. I guess that will be fine.." he gives me a sad smile before getting up. "I'll go get you some food. What are you craving kitten?"

"Uhm.." Ah geez.. "Choc.. chocolate chip pancakes..?"

"Pancakes coming up, I'll be right back." Lucifer gives me a wink before flying away, leaving me alone in hell. Why didn't he just snap em..?

I look around the room and notice my 'to go' unicorn messenger bag sitting on the dresser. I smile softly at the thoughtfulness and get up. Mandrew seeing me move, gets up as well. Following me as I walk around the room, looking for a door or something to a bathroom.. Ah shit.. demons don't need a bathroom do they..? Can I just ask someone..? I really gotta go.. my bladders about to burst. I grab my clothes and quickly change into them before walking out the door. Two well dressed demons sporting large horns standing by the door look at me with surprise.

"Mrs. Jones! Is something wrong?" The one with a sultry voice asks me.

"Uh.. who are you..?" I squint at him in confusion.

"I am Mammon Demon Lord of Greed, this is Beelzebub lord of Gluttony. We were ordered by High king Lucifer to guard you until you leave hell. He trusts us with your safety." Mammon stands there wearing various gold and jewels, some even dangling off his horns. While Beelzebub looks emaciated.. Why does the Lord of Gluttony look like he's starving?

"Oh.. it's a pleasure to meet you both." I give them a kind smile, they look genuinely surprised. "Uhm.. is there a bathroom...?"

"I'm afraid not my lady. For there's no need of one. I shall alert lord Lucifer to your need of this and he shall begin construction. For now, shall I take you to the surface?" Mammon offers his hand to me, I look at it hesitantly. Hm...

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