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Athena Pov

I have not slept most of the night, and when I went to check on Jax, I found Rome sitting and watching the child sleep. He seemed so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice me walk in and out.

I’m making chocolate pancakes for Jax before he wakes up. Rome has already left, and Terry, the cleaning lady, has arrived early. As usual, she finds that everything is clean and that there is nothing left to do. She’s on the sofa changing the channels.

“I prefer you.” She says this while watching a K-Drama.

“How long have you been working here?” I ask her.

“A year,” she says as she stands up and walks towards me. When I put a pancake on the plate, she quickly takes it. Out of the fire and into her mouth.

After she serves herself another pancake she goes back to sit, “Are you married?” I ask her and feel a sense of guilt asking her about her personal life.

“I’m a married woman, but a single mother.” She responds.

“What?” I mutter.

“Turns out men hate responsibility and are only good at reproducing.” She states and i hate myself for asking about her life. I have enough trouble and if i hear anything more about why men suck, i may reconsider my reasons why it a good idea to sleep with Rome.

“Is that why you took some food stuff without asking?” I decide to just go to the point.

She goes silent, “Esme never noticed.” She says.

“I am sorry about what you are going through but taking something without asking is not professional.” I say even though i realize that i getting overly emotional about the subject. I have been accused of misusing things by my in law, i don’t want Rome to think it is true.

“I will tell Rome myself.” She says.

“You don’t have to; instead, I’ll buy you food.” I offer, remembering that Fiona will be paying me today and that, based on how she has been eating, her children are probably starving as well


Fiona shows up in the afternoon.

She loves to just spent time with Jax and i understand her now. “Did Senna come over?” she asks.

“No and i am grateful for that.” I answer.

She stops playing with Jax and come over to the table where i am still putting together the list.

“What is that?” She points at it.

I attempt to hide it, I am embarrassed by it but i am dying to share it with anyone.

“Let me see it, you have been writing since i came.” She insists.

I stare at her gauging if she will judge me for finding reasons to sleep with Rome, “Don’t judge,” I give her a pre warning.

“Judging isn’t my style but i do speak my mind.” That she’s right.

I hand her the list, “Why i should sleep with Rome, what the hell?” She reads the title and she surprised by it.

When she turns to find my glare she assures me that there will be no judgement on her part.

“Is Rome aware that you are contemplating sleeping with him.” She asks still reading through.

I nod, “The list was his idea.”

“A list?” She repeats displeased, “Haven’t both of you heard about something called spontaneity?” She asks.

I tell her about our kisses and the incident at the park, by the time I am done her jaw is on the floor.

“And here i thought you were innocent.” Fiona jokes, “If Esme finds out, she will fly off the hook. She always feel like she owns him.”

“No, she don’t need to know.” I say.

“What? And your ex?”

“Which ex?” I ask confused.

“You don’t intend to return to Mason, do you?”

I’ve been thinking about it but haven’t made a decision, and now I’m being forced to talk about it. I realize I haven’t thought about it thoroughly. Mason stopped calling after I told him to give me some time. I know it won’t be long before he starts bothering me again. He does that, behaves for a while, then returns to his bad behavior, which only gets worse.

“I don’t know.” I answer.

“When it comes to divorce, there’s always a subtle sense of unfinished business, and as the reality of leaving dawns on you out of fear for the unknown, you start to believe you can make it work and continue to stay for years.”

She articulates my thoughts and fears so well.

“Do you love Mason?”

I shake my head. Our time apart made me replay all the years i have been married to Mason and in the end i wasn’t sure who i was married to.

“There!” She states, “Not everyone you meet must make it to the end of your story,” she advices, “and what’s bad in this case is that you made him the main character in your life.”

She hands me back the list and i stare at the paper that has only five reasons. I take my pen and start writing more reasons.

Fiona mentions a few, and i have to ignore the ones that are crude.

Lia did not arrive as promised, and Jax does call out ‘Mama’ a few times, but I’m not sure if he is missing his mother or referring to me.

When Rome walks in, I’m watching cartoons with Jax. He has barely removed his shoes when he hears a knock and he immediately opens the door.

He swivels his head towards me and i stand to see who the guest is. It is my mother and Mason.

Chapter 32 is now available at inkitt.

Username: @ivybrown179

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