Chapter 53

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Lucius has seemed off lately he seemed scared but he always smiled and just kissed your forehead saying it's nothing just work, don't mind me

Harrys class got exposed and you felt bad they deserved to learn and it wasn't fair

But today you had gotten a letter from Lucius saying I'm sorry and with the date today which was the most weird part June 18th 1996

You didn't understand why did he date the letter? And only write I'm sorry?

You were so confused what was happening

You were now scared and worried you can't deal with this, when there's only 12 days left to the end of the year

You just pace around as you didn't know what to do but eventually you felt nauseous and sigh

"Okay I get it you don't like the stress is that it." You say to where the baby is, as you just take a deep breath and try and calm down

You don't know what Lucius meant but you are going to Malfoy Manor and you are going to find out what he meant

Well you'll wait until he gets home from work first

But he's about to get an earful from you!


You were on your way to leave to go to Malfoy Manor when Harry walks in to talk to you

"Hi Harry how can I help you?" You ask as you were packing up your stuff

"Y/n....I need to talk with you now and it's not going to be easy." He says as you were confused and look at him "Sit down." He says and you were confused and just sat down in your chair

"Harry what is it?" You ask and Harry didn't know how to explain this he heard what Lucius said if I don't listen to him y/n dies I have to

So how does he being this up to you? How does he tell you that your boyfriend is a death eater but only did it to protect you?

He doesn't wanna ruin your relationship especially how he heard from Draco loudly talking in the hall your pregnant so what does he do? What can he do

"Look listen to my full explanation first okay? It's important you hear it all before jumping to conclusions, and know he did it to protect you okay?" Harry says and who did what to protect you? Right then a black dog walks in and Harry tells him to not do it and let him handle it

What would Sirius have to tell you? Your so confused

"Remember what I'm about to say he did it for you okay to protect you." Harry says again and okay who did what?

"Okay what did Sirius do?" You say wondering if Sirius did something bad and Harry's trying to tell on him

"No it's not Sirius, y/n Lucius is a death eater, BUT WAIT THERES A BUT. When I asked him why he said if he doesn't they're going to kill you and his unborn child, he didn't get to save your parents from death eaters last time, so he's going to do everything in his power to save you." Harry says and you went silent not able to process this at all he was a death eater.....but to protect you? You guess that's why he sent the I'm sorry letter, but it still doesn't explain the date

"And why isn't Lucius here right now telling me this?" You ask so confused if he was sorry why don't he here telling you?

"Because after the order fought him and the rest of the death eaters, they got taken to Azkaban." Harry says and your eyes widen what? He's in prison

You started to feel like you couldn't breath and without even realizing it Sirius was in front of you telling you to breath and your having a panic attack

It happened so suddenly you didn't even notice what?

Sirius calms you down and hugs you saying it's going to be alright

Buts it's not

'I'm pregnant and my child's father is in prison for who knows how long? My child may now never get to meet their father, I can't do this I can't raise a child alone but I have to.'

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