Morning after

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For awhile I just lay half-awake, with no awareness except pure sensory relaxation. I coast along the sea of waking, slowly emerging back into the real world. I feel warmth, and then I become aware of the sound of a fan. I sigh mentally as I tip the first hill of the inevitable rollercoaster that is a hangover -- yep, ouch, there's the blasting headache. It makes me wish I could have stayed back in the depths for at least another two days.

Then my tongue suddenly pops into my awareness when it moves, and I realize that it's really sore and tired. I move my face, and realize that my skin is a strange kind of dry sticky. I breathe in, and a deep, faint, musky aroma floats into my perceptions. I move my fingers, and find that my arm muscles are all sore, and my fingers are that same kind of dry sticky. Most of all, I feel a deep, blanketing, body-filling satisfaction and relief of some kind of powerful formerly pent-up pressure.

Random flitting sense-memories fill in the picture before I even turn over. The warmth I felt is more localized now, on my leg. Turning over gently to avoid angering my headache, through my unkempt long brown hair, I spy another leg lying across mine. Oh great, Angela, you've done it again. You got unbelievably blitzed and had another one night stand with some random frat guy. Why do you always do this to yourself? Tara's going to be pissed again.

I never really thought about why Tara, my best friend of eight years and former college roommate, always got pissed when I brought home some random guy. I just figured she cared about my health, or self¬-respect. I suppose I should have given it more thought, because I might not be so shocked now to find, instead of some random guy, in bed with me... Tara!

Her bright blonde hair, messy with dried sweat, covers her face, but I know it's her. She lies with her face buried in the other pillow on my bed, as if she just collapsed there at some point last night. My heart races painfully with shock. My eyes trace her bare back down to the blanket wrapped around her waist. I don't quite see her with new eyes, but I definitely feel myself noticing how attractive her smooth skin is. I swallow heavily, the dryness in my throat passing for a brief moment. A slight unfamiliar taste fills my mouth, and that musky smell fills my breath, and both are definitely sexual. I don't really want to think it out loud, but it's pretty obvious to me what happened last night.

Or is it? I almost leap out of the bed in surprise when I look a little further over Tara and realize there's a third girl in the bed. Ok, I think to myself, you're straight, Angela, don't worry, this is all some sort of crazy embarrassing confused mess. You've never even thought about being with a girl before!... well, maybe you have, but still...!

I slap myself on the forehead mentally as a few more random images come back to me. The girl at the bar! Of course! The third girl in the bed is... what was her name? A leering image of her stunning breasts wrapped tightly in a revealing shirt hits me... wow, Angela, what has gotten into you?... She had perfectly done wispy platinum hair, not natural blonde like Tara's... that's it! Erin! That's her name! I'm a genius! And Erin came up to us, offered to buy us both drinks, and she was so flirtatious and friendly, and crazy gorgeous, and then there was dancing, and a long string of different drinks in my hand, and...

Tara and I had sex with her.

Jesus christ.

A general outline of the night comes back to me. Tara and I didn't do anything at all with each other. I can't remember exactly, but I know both of our attentions were focused on Erin. I find myself relieved and yet... secretly, slightly, strangely... disappointed. I shake off the feeling for the moment. How the hell did Erin seduce both of us? I'm straight, Tara's straight... I wince against the pain in my head as I struggle to move slightly higher and see more of Erin.

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