11- finally mine

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present; narrative 

Waking up next to Paige felt like a dream, knowing I could kiss her and express my feelings without all the dumb nerves about her not liking me back. I could stare at her without being worried she would catch me admiring her.

I called Jay that night basically explaining the whole story, deciding to be honest and he took it well. Congratulating me and Paige and continued to act like a friend. I honestly appreciated how supportive he was because he definitely didn't have to be but knowing he was made him feel like a true friend that I could trust.

Me and Paige were trying to keep us a secret until we had it figured out ourselves. Of course Jay, Rose and Azzi knew but that was it. The other girls on the team were still clueless to me and Paige sneaking a kiss between shots or how drawn to each other we were now. There were definitely looks that they gave us when we would come to every practice together or the way Paige would point at me after every shot but they never said anything about it.

I spent almost every night with Paige, either her at my dorm or me in hers, which is where we were right now, laying on her bed with my head on her chest and her fingers playing with my hair like usual. It was Saturday so neither of us had classes so now we were soaking up mornings with each other. There was a practice later today and then after that Paige told me it was finally time for her to take me on a date, 5 days after Valentine's Day but it's the thought that counts.

"P, Azzi you should've seen how bad Aaliyah fell up the stairs." Nika screamed, walking into the apartment. We weren't expecting visitors and I looked up at Paige, my eyes wide and her eyes matching mine.

"It was a small tumble." Aaliyah defended, thankfully Paige's bedroom door was closed but now it was either them find out or sneak out of the window because they weren't leaving without Paige.

"What are you guys doing here?" Azzi questioned, a nervous shaky tone in her voice too, for the same reasons me and Paige were nervous right now.

It's not that we didn't want to tell them because we know they all want it to happen and would be supportive but I don't want to get their hopes up until everything is confirmed and stable between me and Paige and right now it wasn't. We had just admitted our feelings and were just enjoying being with each other without all the tension.

"Well we have practice so we figured we could go eat then head there." Dorka responded and I could hear all of them shuffling into the small apartment, the whole team was definitely here.

Me and Paige continued looking at each other with panicked eyes, trying to think of a plan on the spot that wouldn't completely expose us in the worst way possible.

"Where's Paige she can't still be sleeping." Amari said and we heard footsteps start approaching Paige's room, our eyes almost popped out of our heads.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now