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Peggy Dale was a woman with a small stature and a lot of words. She considered herself to be the most 'open-minded' supervisor her team had. She would use words she stumbled upon online to prove to her team of millennials and Generation Z that she could be cool and break the intergenerational barrier. Rue, on the other hand, saw her as a people-pleaser and a timid person.

Rue used her supervisor's desperate attempts to seem like a cool boss by giving them breaks and always distancing herself from management to her advantage. She would slack at work, come late and leave early. Peggy was scared of Rue's backlash and her way with words to incite others if she ever called her out. And when he found Rue sleeping, all Peggy did was downplay the situation by comparing it to Japan's work culture, where taking naps during the day was common.

Rue was lying on a foam mattress in the bedding section when one of her coworkers approached her. Sherly was a nice girl who had chosen her boyfriend over her studies, which resulted in her parents cutting her off and her ending up as a supermarket cleaner. Rue thought her decision was foolish, especially since the aforementioned boyfriend had nothing to offer, and Shirley showed up most mornings distraught, even when her boyfriend dropped by the supermarket. It was clear that she didn't want him there.

"Rue there is a woman looking for you," Shirley delivered her message.

The first thought that came to Rue's mind, it was probably her mother. She did come here severally demanding Rue's paycheck and causing a big scene. The cashiers dreaded to serve her mother, she was also a nightmare as a customer.

"You haven't seen me," Rue said, looking around for a place to hide.

"It is not your mother," Sherly spoke.

"Then who?" Rue was confused.

"Me!" A voice was heard behind her and she turned to find Angie standing there, watching her mesmerized.

Sherly said nothing as she left.

"I am beginning to think you are obsessed with me," Rue folded her arms over her chest.

Angie sized her. She looked elegant in a pink pencil skirt with white and black flowers and a white turtle neck chiffon shirt. She looked elegant, and Rue had to admit that Angie knew her body and how to dress it far too well.

"Me? Obsessed?" Angie seemed amused by the comment.

"Why else would a middle age woman be following a young girl like me," Rue wanted to find anything to irritate the woman. To say the least, Rue knew that Angie was beautiful and she felt insecure that even her youth would lose to her stunning beauty.

"Middle aged? I am only...." Angie stopped herself before saying her age. Rue raised her eyebrow daring her to go on.

"That is not why i am here," Angie spoke calmer.

"And i am not interested." Rue spoke.

"I have a proposal for you," Angie stopped her from leaving. "It is about Mr. Fox,"

"Is he okay?" Rue asked concerned.

"Calm down he is," Angie shook her head. Rue then gave her a puzzled stare, "I want you to cut all association with Mr. Fox and i will reward you generously." She answered her silent question.

Rue was shocked by the woman's gut, and angry that as a stranger that Mr. Fox had introduced just a week ago had the audacity to ask her such a ridiculous thing. And now a lot of questions piled in her head, who Angie was.

"You should leave," Rue spoke with all the seriousness in her body.

"I am aware of your family's situation, you should consider my preposition." She paused while Rue maintained a dangerous glare, "Fox and i have something special and you are standing in the way." She added.

Rue didn't respond, but in her head she had murdered the woman a million times and the though brought relief to her. How dare she ask her that? The question lingered in her head even long after Angie had left the supermarket.

Rue caught Sarah's movement at the corner of her eyes. She was trying to tiptoe and be discrete in her actions. But Rue knew better. The twins were up to something. she pretended not to have noticed Sarah as she wanted to catch them red handed.

Rue stood.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked Rue.

"To catch those little monster's." Rue replied and Tony smiled as he followed her. Rue was starting to warm up to him, especially since he beat up her brother and how he cared about her. But still, he wasn't twenty something years older.

She maintained light steps as she followed Sarah who led them to Xana's room. Xana as usual was at her boyfriend's place, she pushed the door silently to see what the twins were up to. She saw Sarah put something under her sister's pillow.

"Busted!" Rue shouted and Sarah jumped up startled.

"Oh men..." Sarah whined while Tony was laughing at the situation.

"What did you put there?" Rue demanded.

Sarah pulled out a toy that looked exactly like a mouse. She obviously planned on pranking her sister.

"Where is Sasha?" Rue enquired about the other twin.

There was a laugh and it was coming from under the bed where Sasha was hiding.

"What are you doing there?" Rue asked.

"Wanted to scare Xana while she slept but you just ruined it." Sasha spoke as she crawled from under the bed.

"You are suppose to be sleeping." Rue reminded the girls.

"We just wanted a little fun and revenge. Xana replaced our milk with buttermilk this morning. The cereals were just yuck!" Sasha answered.

Rue tried not to laugh, though Tony didn't hold himself back.

"To bed now you mischievous rascals!" Rue ordered.

Rue returned the Toy mouse under Xana's pillow after the twin left with their head hanging in disappointment. It would frighten her, and sadly she wouldn't be there to see her best friend's reaction.

Rue and Tony had been talking about their high school day when Mr. Fox walked in. The twins had finally slept two hours ago.

"You didn't tell me you would have company over," Mr. Fox narrowed his stare at them.

"It is just Tony," Rue dismissed him.

"Can i talk to you?" Mr. Fox was displeased with her response. She followed him as he lead her to his room. It was the second time in there, it smelt of him and Rue just surrendered herself to it.

"You can't be bringing men around my daughters." Mr. Fox turned to her.

She was confused, "But, he is not a stranger. He is more of Xana's friend," Rue explained.

"I'm still saying, don't bring boys here." He said almost agitated.

"Are you jealous?" Rue decided to see the argument from another angle.

"I will let you know that i don't need to compete with small boys."

"You could show me what you mean," Rue said in slutry manner.

"I am not that kind of a man." Mr. Fox answered.

"But you do seem to be enjoying my attention." Rue said in an innocent childlike tone.

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