Chapter 780: Full House

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The Xiao family had a three-day holiday. Then on the second day of the Lunar New Year, Taoyuan Village was open to the public.

With the improvement of living standards, people sought a higher quality of life. In the past, people spent the new year at home, watching TV and playing cards, or visiting relatives and friends.

Nowadays, many people chose to travel.

Usually, they were busy earning money and didn't have much time to go out. Now, they wanted to take advantage of the few days of vacation to go out and have a look.

Many rich people chose to travel abroad. Families with average economic standards chose to travel domestically.

In recent years, Taoyuan Village became more and more famous. In particular, Taoyuan Village was famous for its peach blossom forests and natural idyllic scenery.

Last year, the most famous project in the Peach Blossom Village was the peach blossoms in winter. It was said that the peach blossoms in winter had not withered yet.

Therefore, those who did not have time to admire them during the winter wanted to take advantage of the New Year holiday to come to take a look and take a photo.

On the second day of New Year, every family got up early in the morning. They made preparations to welcome the guests.

At the same time, Xiao Lingyu held a simple meeting for the entire village and all the staff. They didn't know how many guests they would have but based on past experience, the number of visitors this year would only be higher.

Xiao Lingyu requested everyone to be polite, and she also emphasized the importance of security and safety. When there were too many people, the probability of a stampede accident was very high.

In the past two to three years, the number of tourists during the holidays had reached its peak. It became crowded everywhere, causing some tourists to feel irritated and angry. Then, they pushed the tourists next to them. This behavior directly caused all the tourists to feel angry. It created a mob.

One of the tourists accidentally fell, but the tourists around didn't see him and almost stepped on him. For some reason, the tourists' movements became much slower, and the tourists who fell quickly climbed up. That was why no further accidents happened.

Xiao Lingyu had to come and appease the mob before they dispersed.

From then on, Xiao Lingyu started to restrict the flow of tourists.

When the number of tourists on the farm reached a certain level, they would stop selling tickets. They would wait for a portion of the tourists to come out before putting them in.

This had caused the dissatisfaction and anger of some tourists who had come from afar, but there was nothing they could do about it.

After all, they had come all the way here, but they could not enter.

Usually, the farm rarely had a full flow of customers. This only happened during holidays, but not all holidays. In the past two years, it had only reached this level during the New Year.

However, as Taoyuan Village's reputation grew, the business was getting better and better year by year. Therefore, they really had to pay attention to safety. If an accident happened, the reputation of Taoyuan Village would be greatly damaged.

"Pay attention to the situation at all times. Once there are signs of an accident, report it immediately!" Xiao Lingyu said very seriously.

"Yes, CEO Xiao!" Everyone replied in unison.

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