43 | Aiden's interior

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The dinner started off a bit awkward between Aiden and I after, you know, what happened in his room.

Mrs. Miller, bless her heart, was doing most of the talking, trying to break the ice.

"So, Zhera, has my son been treating you right?"

Aiden, who had barely said a word all evening, finally muttered, "Of course, I have, Mom." Mrs. Miller clarified that she wasn't asking him directly.

I took a breath and replied, "Yes, he does."

Aiden smiled while looking at his mom. "that's good to know, he better be." She said eyeing him, then turned towards me

"Well, i've been willing to know how this son of mine asked you to be his girlfriend?"

Aiden paused mid-bite, his expression showing a hint of embarrassment. I could sense that he wasn't satisfied with how it happened. But honestly, I didn't need anything extravagant or over-the-top. We were hanging out together, enjoying each other's company, when it happened.

"We were just hanging out and it happened."

Aiden's mom couldn't hide her surprise as she tapped him on the head, "Is this how I raised you?" Aiden, slightly flustered, scratched his head and attempted to explain himself, "Mom, I was going to-"

But before he could finish his sentence, his mom interrupted, "I've heard enough of you." She then turned her attention towards me "Don't worry, he'll come up with something better."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I took a bite of my steak, trying to ease the tension. "It's fine, really."

But his mom wasn't convinced. She shook her head and firmly stated, "No, it isn't fine. No child of mine will ask a girl out like that, nope, especially not his first girlfriend."

The realization hit me like a wave, catching me off guard. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise, I'm Aiden's first?, though, it made sense. Aiden had never talked about having a girlfriend before, and he seemed to avoid interactions with girls. Could it be that he had been intentionally keeping his distance, for me? The thought filled me with warmth.

Glancing at Aiden, who was now looking a bit sheepish, and I could tell he was thinking of how to make it right.  Even though there was nothing to make right. I liked it

The rest of the dinner went well. Madelyn couldn't stop talking and sharing embarrassing stories about Aiden. One of them in particular was when Aiden realized that he had a crush on me so he kept on talking about me every chance he got, he thought he was slick and that no one knew but everyone did. Except for me

When it was time to clean up, I offered to help, even though Madelyn kept telling me it was fine. I insisted anyway. Aiden was in the kitchen, doing the dishes.

But here's the thing, Aiden seemed off. He was unusually quiet throughout dinner, not making any cheeky remarks and barely smiling. Something's definitely up. I just don't know how to bring it up

Madelyn reached out and touched my hand, trying to comfort me. "Don't stress too much about him," she said, her voice filled with concern. "Honestly, it stresses me out too."

"What do you mean?"

Letting out a tired sigh, Madelyn explained, "He's always been the type to keep things to himself. He hardly tells anyone anything, not even me, his own mother." She chuckled and shook her head. "He definitely gets that from his father."

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