Who's shagging Draco Malfoy?

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Eventually, Harry and Draco left the Room of Requirement.

They weren't quite sure how long it had been, but they'd slept for about eight hours three different times, and so they estimated it had been three or four days. Upon leaving they'd been accosted by McGonagall, brought straight to Dumbledore's office where Snape was also waiting and interrogated on where on earth they had been before they'd even had a chance to so much as set foot in either of their Common Rooms.

As Draco and Harry, now having recovered as well as a established a plan of action after the initial shock of the news, explained carefully how they had been 'trapped in a mysterious room' and couldn't get out; they'd been miraculously let off the hook.

Even Harry, who had actually been awarded the House Cup for breaking rules before, was surprised by this. Apparently it had something to do with Dumbledore's understanding that Hogwarts was some sort of enigma, which could never be fully explored or anticipated. Draco supposed that was a load of bollocks, but he shan't look a gift horse in the mouth.

He and Harry had gotten off from their, apparently, five day getaway scot free. It was a win-win.

Or at least, scot free save the fact Snape could very clearly tell something had gone terribly wrong. He was staring at them calculatingly throughout the whole ordeal, and Draco knew that as soon as they were free to go Snape would find a way to get the truth out of them.

Draco wasn't sure how he'd react, but he deserved to know. He and Harry would need help if they wanted to figure out what in Merlin's balls was going on with this timeline.

Something had changed, and whatever it was, it was royally fucking them over.

They'd both amounted to the unfortunate conclusion that someone must have travelled back with them. They suspected Moody-Crouch, however if whomever it had been was aiding the Dark Lord it could be any one of the Death Eaters. They'd even considered the possibility of it being Draco's own father, but that didn't make sense, he would've done everything at the Quidditch World Cup completely differently had he known how poorly he messed up the first time. Despite Harry and Draco's interference, Lucius hadn't shown any signs of trying to do things differently than before.

Although in fairness, Crouch didn't really make sense either. If Crouch had gone back in time, he'd know Harry had the Marauders Map and that Harry would possibly suspect him because of that, he'd also know every way he could absolutely count that Harry wouldn't be in danger of death before the time was right. Crouch had also shown no signs of taking action against any of these things, but it was their best theory and really was all they had at the moment.

The thing they couldn't understand at all though, was how it had come to be Harry and Draco in the first place. There weren't many reasons someone would intentionally send them back in time together, nor many reasons that if it was an accident, they would be linked in any way. As well as how the two of them would then be linked to another third party who was also a Death Eater? It was frankly confounding.

There was just no common denominator, the why of it all was the biggest question they had, Harry and Draco hadn't questioned the Time Travel much in the beginning, too focused on changing the past. Now though, when things were happening backwards to their plans and nothing was predictable anymore, it seemed as if perhaps they should've given it slightly more thought.

Dumbledore dismissed them from his office, and right as Draco had predicted, Snape requested the pair of them come with him for a private assessment on a 'joint potions assignment'. McGonagall looked mildly suspicious, but said nothing. Harry and Draco followed Snape to the dungeons in silence, casting nervous looks at one another all the way there.

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