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DECEMBER 16, 2021

"EVERYTHING was nice and pretty. He had candles and rose petals, I felt sooo special." Yuri excitedly recounted to Rhylee and Brooklyn as she sat in Riley's chair, spinning around and reliving her date with Kash. They wanted to know how her and Kashton's date went and here she was going into detail about everything he did.

Just talking about it gave her the same flutter in her stomach.

"He looked so good too." Yuri added, licking her lips. "You falling in love" Brooklyn pointed out teasingly, and Yuri made a face. "Too far Brook." she responded with a little laugh, and Brooklyn just shrugged.

Yuri looked down at her nails as she thought to herself.
Was she falling in love though? She couldn't be, It was too soon for that. She definitely wasn't falling in love. She did feel a strong like for him though.

Yuri's head lifted up once Rhylee started talking.

"What y'all getting me for Christmas?" Rhylee asked, picking up the broom from the corner to sweep the floor.

"Not a damn thing." Brooklyn said taking a sail of her water and Rhylee mugged her. "Remember that." Rhylee pointed.

"I'm not going to tell y'all what I'm getting yall. It's a surprise." Yuri told them and the girls gave her a look. Yuri couldn't keep a surprise for shit. She'd get to excited for the person who was receiving the gift. "Don't look at me like that." Yuri told them frowning a little.

"No Ri, cause you know you can't keep a surprise. Might as well just tell us." Rhylee said, and Yuri rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think I'm going to buy Shea something for Christmas." Rhylee said. Brooklyn raised her eyebrow. "Like what?" Brooklyn asked, to which Rhylee shrugged.

"Maybe some games for his ps5.. I don't fucking know. I never got a nigga something for Christmas." Rhylee said, "oh you in love." Brooklyn said with a smile and Rhylee sucked her teeth.

"You didn't say yes or no. It must be a maybe." Yuri chimed in, "Shut the hell up both of y'all. Talk about Yuri in love ass. She probably getting Kash something for Christmas right now." Rhylee said Yuri frowned as all the attention went on her.

She didn't get Kash a Christmas gift yet, she was definitely thinking about it though but she didn't know what she could gift him it was so many things that she couldn't get for him but she didn't know if it would the right gift.

"I'm not actually. I'm looking at these telfar bags." Yuri said turning her phone around to show them the telfar website. Rhylee and Brooklyn gave her a look, "So you not buying him nothing?" Brooklyn asked and Yuri bit down on her bottom lip

"Mind yall business." Yuri told them sitting back in the chair, "Exactly."

"Are we going to eat or what? I'm hungry, I didn't get up early just to sit here." Brooklyn said

"Your hungry ass. Let me go get my bag." Rhylee said as she walked to the back.


Yuri stared at the side of Kash's face as he chewed on some gummy worms. "Are you visiting your family for Christmas?" she asked. Kashton shrugged in response.

Kashtons family lived in Los Angeles, California, since Kashton moved from LA to Dallas last year and been piled up with the tattoo shop ever since. He hasn't been able to see his family yet. Only talking to his mother and grandmother through FaceTime.

"No," Kash responded, and Yuri frowned. "They won't be in LA anyway; they going to see my grandmother," he added. "Your grandmother lives in Louisiana right?" Kash nodded his head, Yuri grabbed the pack of gummy worms out of his hand making him look at her.

Yuri took two gummy worms out of the pack before passing them back to him. Yuri moved closer to Kash, kissing his cheek grabbing his face so he could look at her, "You can come over and be with me if you want." Yuri offered

Kash stared at her, "I was gon do that anyway." Kash said, making Yuri smile. "Good so we can wear matching pajamas right?" Yuri asked and Kash immediately frowned.

"No." Was his response and Yuri huffed. "Kash don't be boringggg." Yuri dragged, Kash stared at her blankly.

"Please.. we'll look really cute. You'll like it I promise. You can even pick them." Yuri told him, Kash licked his lips. "And we can make cookies and watch Christmas movies." Yuri added on

"Don't you got a family? They don't want you home?" Kash asked making Yuri squint her eyes at him. "Don't be rude. If you have better plans than being with me then just say that." Yuri said moving away from him she crossed her arms over her chest

Kash laughed a little before grabbing her arm pulling her back near him. "Why you being a crybaby?" Kash asked kissing the corner of her lips.

"I'm not being a crybaby. You just rude as hell." Yuri told him and he laughed again. She squinted her eyes at him getting ready to move away from him but he had his arm wrapped around her waist.

"I'm playing baby. We could do whatever you want." Kash said placing a kiss on her lips, she smiled. "You bet not pick no weak shit." Kashton told her and Yuri rolled her eyes.

Yuri placed her hand on top of his that sat on her thigh, "Just asking. If you wanted a gift what would you want?" Yuri asked looking at him

"Yuri." Kash said simply, placing a gummy worm in his mouth. Yuri bit down on her bottom lip, "I'm serious Kash." Yuri said and Kash looked at her.

"I'm serious too. If you can't give me Yuri then I don't know what you want me to ask for." Kashton said staring into her eyes, Yuri felt her body heat up. She just felt like that meant more than what it should've meant, and the way he was looking at her.. he did shit like this on purpose.

How long do you have to wait to fuck someone? Yuri asked herself.

Kash gave her a kiss on her lips pulling her out of her thoughts. "Get me anything Ri. I'll appreciate it especially if it's from you." Kash told her.


Just a little quick update for yaal!

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