Interlude-2: Transit of Threads

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Third Person PoV:

Location: Secret Sanctum; Paris; France [Around The Same Time As Avengers Head Towards Arachnumec]

In the dimly lit chamber, the air was thick with the acrid scent of burning incense, casting an otherworldly haze that clung to the heavy atmosphere. the eerie glow of flickering candles cast a dim light on the macabre spectacle unfolding.

The walls, adorned with grotesque symbols of twisted demons and arcane runes, seemed to writhe as if animated by unseen forces. The air pulsed with an unnatural energy, sending shivers down the spines of the gathered zealots.

At the centre of the chamber stood the imposing altar, its surface adorned with twisted patterns reminiscent of demonic architecture.

There were symbols, etched deeply into the dark obsidian stone, which seemed as if they absorbed and trap the ambient light, creating an unsettling play of shadows.

The altar held a collection of strange artifacts — ritualistic daggers, vials of dark liquids, and effigies representing the demonic hierarchy.

A middle-aged man with a tall and muscular build and smooth grey-white long hair, dressed in robes worn by the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj and a hood drawn low over his face stood by the altar.

This was Kaecilius, a sorcerer who had defected from his duties as a protector of Earth after the loss of his family. In Kaecilius' outstretched hand, there writhed a grotesque amalgamation of tormented souls, their anguished cries echoing in the chamber.

The souls, compressed and intertwined, struggled to break free, their collective pain forming a twisted offering to the cosmic forces Kaecilius sought to beckon. These souls comprised of friends, loved ones and those who trusted the zealots deeply. Prior to their tragic fate, of course.

With a swish of his hand, the candles lit up with an eerie red light akin to that of blood. He placed the compressed souls on the meticulously designed altar as an offering to please the one he now served.

As if in sync, all the zealots started chanting incomprehensible phrases. Kaecilius channelled his magic and proceeded with the sacrificial ritual. He chanted loudly:

"The Architect of Infernal Machinations;
Supreme Strategist in the Abyss;
Mastermind of Endless Schemes;
The Demonic Executor, Weaver of Dark Designs.

We pray to the executor of 'Her' will. The chaos tyrant who plunges reality into the depths of terror. We pray for obtaining eternal life in your unholy domain!"

The offering of wailing souls vanished in a burst of flames as soon as he finished speaking, marking a successful ritual. The flames then materialized into a vintage box at the centre of the ritual circle. 'He' had responded to their offering and bestowed a gift to them.

A burst of information appeared in Kaecilius's mind informing him of knowledge regarding this gift. The box contained something known as 'Seeds of the Fallen.' A mystical item that can convert 'His' followers into demonic beings directly under 'His' servitude.

Of course, they would be the lowest of beings in the demonic hierarchy, but with enough exploits they could become higher demonic beings. The zealots reverent devotion had been answered.

There was only one seed of the fallen, but none of the followers present were going to compete with Kaecilius. He was their leader who had been personally chosen and approved by their lord, after all.

Just as Kaecilius was about to pick up the box, the red flames burst into existence one more in the form of writing atop the altar. It was an order from 'Him' and read:

[Head towards New Salem, the Land of the Witches in service to the Lady. Meet up with Agatha Harkness, 'The Witch of Ruin' chosen by 'Her' as an executor of 'Her' will and await further instructions.]

The flames vanished as soon as he finished reading that message. Obviously, he would comply with the order. Lord Demiurge had shown him the right path in 'Her' servitude and had granted him the opportunity to win back the life of his deceased family members.

'She' was truly above all and could not be named by someone as insignificant as him. But 'She' had taken notice of Kaecilius and sent Lord Demiurge as a messenger to bring Kaecilius and his like-minded followers onto the path of salvation.

The pantheon of Nazarick had quieted down significantly following the mythical events of the Great Purge. Other than a few odd incidents here and there, they did not cause much noise on the multiversal scene.

Regardless, no one with significant know how or power had truly forgotten them. It was only a matter of time before 'She' made moves again. This was a matter prophesised by multiple powerful entities. And the promised time was nearing.

Kaecilius, as a knowledgeable sorcerer, also knew about the infamous witch of ruin as well. She and the witches who followed her had been instrumental in designing the events of the Great Purge.

Despite all the true or embellished facts that circulated about Agatha, one thing was certain as she herself proclaimed this fact repeatedly. Agatha essentially held a position similar to being 'Her' grand priestess.

There were multiple different ways to say this but the essential meaning remained the same. Agatha was the one who received an oracle directly from 'Her' whenever 'She' wanted to accomplish something.

Kamar-Taj had a policy of ignoring anything and everything related to 'Her' unless they had staged a catastrophic event that could end everything. If they wanted to deal with such events they made a journey to Arachnumec, to get the citizens help.

Due to this, Kaecilius had never come across Agatha in person. Looking at her, he also held a certain envy deep within his heart. He also wished to be the one who received the Lord's oracle directly.

And he would make sure to earn this privilege by completing all missions successfully. Thinking of this, he turned around to speak to the other zealots:

"Lord Demiurge has bestowed this gift and given orders. We are to head towards New Salem to fulfil his wishes. Make preparations immediately.

If we do well, we might be given the opportunity to climb the 'Webway' and enter the 'Blazing Temple' located in the lord's dimension. May your fate be shrouded in eternal darkness..."

"May your fate be shrouded in eternal darkness!"

"May your fate be shrouded in eternal darkness!"


Of course, Lord Demiurge had made no such promises but Kaecilius believed it to be true. Even if it was not so, it could be used as a motivator for the zealots to complete the orders efficiently.

The zealots truly desired to ascend the 'Webway'. Any true follower would desire so. The Asgardians had even copied 'Her' personal design by creating their own cheap knock off. The so-called Bifrost.

The Webway, a mystical lattice of intricately woven threads, extended from the core of Nazarick, 'Her' sacred realm.

This celestial bridge not only linked the 11 realms within Nazarick but also functioned as a divine conduit, facilitating travel to diverse corners of the multiverse, and according to whispers, spanning the bounds of time itself.

Such capabilities were, of course, expected, given that 'She' transcended all realms.

Location: Earth-Z; Sanctum of the Cosmic Weaver; Church of the Weaver

The sanctum rises as a monumental structure, seamlessly blending arcane mystique with cutting-edge technology. Located in a pocket dimension, its exterior appears as a harmonious synthesis of ancient architecture and futuristic design.

Tall, crystalline spires reach towards the sky, adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of cosmic constellations. Upon entry, visitors are greeted by a colossal atrium bathed in the soft glow of holographic projections.

The central hub, overseen by former TVA members, boasts a massive spherical device—the Nexus Core. This advanced machine, a marriage of magic and science, channels temporal energies to facilitate connections across all of time.

The interior is a marvel of architectural ingenuity. Visitors traverse corridors adorned with interactive displays showcasing the timelines and alternate realities under the watchful gaze of the Cosmic Weaver.

Enormous viewing chambers, equipped with reality-warping screens, display glimpses into distant worlds and divergent timelines. A transcendent energy permeates the sanctum, resonating from the Nexus Core.

Magical conduits intertwine with quantum processors, creating a harmonious synergy that allows the sanctum to serve as a hub for dimensional travellers and worshippers alike. At the heart of the structure lies the Celestial Auditorium—an awe-inspiring assembly hall that accommodates countless worshippers.

Here, sermons and ceremonies are conducted, blending ancient rituals with explanations of cosmic phenomena. The auditorium's domed ceiling, a fusion of enchanted panels and adaptive nano-materials, shifts to mirror the cosmic events discussed during gatherings.

The sanctum is further divided into smaller alcoves, each dedicated to a different aspect of the Spider Goddess's influence—fate, time, and the intricate patterns of existence. In one corner, a hidden library holds ancient texts and forbidden knowledge, guarded by ethereal guardians.

The library is run by spider totems selected across the various generations and act as a gathering point for discussions about the evils of the multiverse that must be exterminated in order to maintain stability.

Mobius, now assuming the prestigious role of the Pope in the Church of the Weaver, cuts an imposing yet benevolent figure. Clad in elaborate ceremonial robes, rich with symbols of time and cosmic order, he stands as a living embodiment of the sanctum's purpose.

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