31. Going to the kitchen

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Sean's perspective:

He took a bite out of the weird plant and it had a very sweet taste, along with an apple like texture and very sticky juices.

It was pretty nice, though by the time he finished his piece, the monkeys were done with all the others, which he was a bit dissapointed, but still glad he tried one.

Soon after, Ri took away the plates and the monkeys were somehow disappearing, he didn't know how, as he looked around and there was slowly less and less monkeys, and they weren't in the hallway leaving the room.

He soon found out where they went, as he was basically dragged into a small, hidden hole, covered by a cloth, which hid a fairly small room, though he soon realized that he was comparing it to all the other rooms, as it was about 2.5 meters tall.

The interior was pitch black, except for a slit of light coming from the entrance.

He couldn't see anything and was fairly worried as to why the monkeys dragged him there until he was pushed into a small mound of fur, which he realized to be a bunch of monkeys cuddling.

He was pushed further inside the clump of monkeys, which he tried to get away from for a moment, though this was quickly stopped as monkeys layer down on top of him.

He was basically immobile, but he could still breathe well enough, although it didn't smell, great, to say the least.

He tried struggling out, but was getting sleepy for some reason, as well as that there was a new, slightly better smelling smell in the air.

He fell asleep quickly after a while.


He woke up to monkeys leaving the room, which he noticed from light entering the room, slightly hurting his eyes before they could adjust.

After a bit, he managed to get out, only to see that a lot of monkeys had surrounded him making some chittering noises, along with Tonuk and Ri.

He was confused, but remembered that this was how the two aliens laughed, so maybe it could be something like that, but for the monkeys, he thought.

Shortly after this, the couple monkeys surrounding him suddenly jumped on top of him, picking at his hair.

He almost fell, but just barely managed to catch himself with a wall nearby as the monkeys continued.

He tried pushing them off, confused as to what they were doing, though he managed to see that the other monkeys were actually grooming eachother.

He chilled out a little bit, though he was still confused as to why these monkeys were so enthusiastic to fix his hair and why so many, instead of being in pairs.

After a little bit, the monkeys finally let go of him and his hair fell flat on his face and mouth.

He noticed how long it had gotten, but this was quickly forgotten as a very gross taste went into his mouth and he realized that his hair was now wet.

He had to pick his hair up with his hand and really didn't want to think about why that was, and so he tried getting away, looking for somewhere to actually clean himself up.

Knowing that the other rooms didn't have running water that he knew of, he tried to look inside to place that Ri came out of with the food, hoping it was a kitchen.

He was right, as he walked into a stone floor, black/gray walls, wooden cabinets and plates next to what he hoped to be a sink, along with a table and chairs nearby, also wooden.

After a quick check for anyone following him, he noticed that he had been, surprisingly, left alone.

He managed to jump into the counter using some chairs and tried to figure out how to turn on the faucet, which confirmed that there was a sink.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now