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Chapter 681— Delulu

The manservant confirmed, "It is true. The crown prince even brought a few large boxes of betrothal gifts, indicating that he is here to propose."

Nalan Feixue covered her flushed face and exclaimed shyly, "Aiya, why didn't he discuss it with me? I'm not mentally prepared at all!"

Mrs. Nalan dismissed the manservant and reassured her daughter with a happy face, "Silly girl, he is the crown prince, and he has many responsibilities. How could he find the time to discuss it with you? The fact that he is willing to come personally to propose shows how important you are to him."

"Mother~" Nalan Feixue called out playfully, then quickly instructed her maid, "Siqin, quickly, bring out my pleated Luanfeng natural silk skirt and the set of eight-treasure azure stone jewelry..."

Meanwhile, in the main hall, Nalan Ziyun and Nalan Zhengze were warmly hosting Prince Shangguan Qi.

Shangguan Qi held a teacup in his hand and assessed Nalan Mansion with a gentle smile on his face. However, his eyes revealed a hint of arrogance and pride. In his eyes, as the crown prince of the Jinling Kingdom, everyone in the kingdom should treat him with respect.

Although he had come to the Nalan Mansion to propose, he couldn't help feeling a sense of superiority.

Nalan Ziyun, being his former fellow apprentice, maintained a slightly more casual attitude and asked, "Your Highness, if you like my second sister, why didn't you mention it at Breaking Spirit Mountain or the Qixing Palace? I heard that you and my sister have known each other for a long time. How did you two meet?"

Shangguan Qi was taken aback. He remembered that he was supposed to marry the Third Miss of the Nalan Mansion. Had he remembered it wrongly? When did he meet Nalan Feixue?

Just as he was about to express his confusion, a maid announced, "Master, Madam, and Second Miss have arrived."

The room was filled with a delightful fragrance as Nalan Feixue gracefully entered the main hall, escorted by Mrs. Nalan.

Upon seeing the crown prince, Nalan Feixue's face flushed, and her almond-shaped eyes shimmered with shyness and affection. She bowed to him and greeted, "Greetings to Your Highness."

Shangguan Qi couldn't help but be captivated by her affectionate gaze, her alluring figure, and delicate curves. His eyes revealed a hint of amazement.

Nalan Feixue had spent a long time preparing herself, and the effect was exactly what she desired.

Seeing the infatuation in Shangguan Qi's eyes, she smiled brightly and said, "Brother Prince, it has been a long time since we left Fanyun Mountain. I have always missed you. If it weren't for your help in Fanyun Mountain, I would have suffered greatly. I never expected you to come to our Nalan Mansion today..."

Blushing, she lowered her head shyly, adopting a well-behaved and submissive demeanor that contrasted with her usual stubborn and domineering attitude.

Nalan Zhengze was extremely satisfied with the scene unfolding before him. He had wanted He Xi to replace Nalan Feixue and marry Zhu Zhongba, subjecting her to his mistreatment. Then, when she was desperate, Nalan Ziyun and Nalan Zhengze would come to her rescue. He was confident that she would eventually hand over An Lingyue's relics.

Chapter 682— A Twist of Events

Nalan Zhengze's smug smile quickly faded as he realized the arrival of the Zhu Family could complicate matters. His original plan was to marry Nalan Hexi to Zhu Zhongba, but he was unsure if the Zhu Family would agree. After all, He Xi's appearance was not considered conventionally beautiful, and Zhu Zhongba had always been attracted to outward beauty. The Zhu Family's influence in Yanjing City was not to be underestimated, and if they caused trouble, Nalan Zhengze didn't know how it would all unfold.

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