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𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐧. 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬

"I'm sorry I haven't been around son, but here I am trying to make up for that lost time and show you that I really have changed as a person."

I listened to my high ass mother attempt to explain to me where she had been for the past seven months and why.

"Everybody has gotten so big. I'm sorry for not being here son but life happens." She shook her head, watching Eli play with his action figures.

After coming home from the rough loss of the basketball game, remembering that my mother was here was just the cherry on top to put me in a shittier mood than I was already in.

"When you plan on leaving again?" I asked dryly.

"Never. I'm here to stay this time. I wanna be a mother and it's my last year with you before you go off and become some big NBA star." She laughed.

"Well before you leave try to give me a heads up this time." I frowned before going in my room, closing and locking the door.

Normally after coming home I would have to figure out what the twins wanted, run bath water, or help somebody with their homework. But since she claimed she wanted to be a mother this go round I was leaving it up to her. Lord knows I didn't feel like doing it anyway.

I turned on my phone for the first time in hours seeing multiple texts from Kacie saying that I did well, not to let one loss defeat me and a whole bunch of other bullshit.

𝐜𝐢𝐜𝐢💗: im so proud of you. i know you probably defeated, i could tell just based on how you were looking lol. but its only the first game and one loss doesn't mean thats the way things are going to be. you did excellent tonight neno! #11

I went to text her back but I honestly had no idea what to say. It just felt like a big lie to me. I wasn't used to people telling me I did well but in reality, I didn't.

So for a while, the message that she sent was left on read.

𝐤𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐞 𝐣. 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐬

"I think I would be a great submission to Spelman college because.."

I sat in class deciding how I wanted to start off my college application essay for Spelman. It was a little late, but I still felt the need to do so. But here I was struggling with one of the things that I'm usually the greatest at. Writing.

I caught myself just staring at my computer then occasionally looking down at my phone to see if Neno had texted me back, which he hadn't. My message had been on read for an entire three days.

I knew that boys got mad when they lost but damn for three days? It was never that serious especially when he played well, it was the team that failed.

I had gotten to class early to work on my essay but I knew that in the next two or three minutes Neno would come strolling in, going about his life as if I hadn't been texting him for three days straight.

The bell rang and there he came. His headphones were over his ears and he wore a mug on his face, which was unusual since I always saw him smiling. He didn't look at me as he walked by either, he went straight to his seat that happened to be right next to me.

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