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"You think I'm going to believe that? You're making up stories," Jungkook's voice changed to weaker.

"Believe it or not. It's your choice. But if you had asked me that day, I would have told you everything. But you just believe in yourself. Well, everything that happens in human life is for the good," I said and took my bag. that i will leave

"Wait. Who-whose is that kid?" He asked me again but in a slightly worried tone.

Still he is in doubt whether the baby is his or not. That means he still mistrusts on me. Wow...so long then I'm wasting words.

I shook my head in disgust and said, "This child is only mine. He is born in my womb, he has no father. I am his only guardian. And you need not interfere in this matter."

I started to walk away but he pulled my hand & said, "Y/N, please tell me."

"You are a møtherfu¢ker. Let go of my hands," I jerked my hands away and walked away.

Listening to him makes me cry. Is this the Jungkook whose eyes I used to dream of a beautiful life together? I am now a cheater, liar, characterless.

I heaved a sigh and vowed that I would never let him near my child. I will never let him take away my child.

I walked towards the kids area zone and saw the nanny standing with Junho in her arms. Junho is crying a lot and doesn't calm down at all. Seeing him cry, broke my heart. I quickly walked over and picked him up in my arms. Then I said to the nanny, "Thank you so much. And sorry to trouble you."

"No problem," she said, and left.

I shook Junho to calm him down but he was still crying. Maybe he is very hungry. But I can't feed him until I go home.

I took out my phone and dialed the number to hire a cab. Suddenly, I saw Junho stopped crying and laughed. He laughed so hard that he started throwing his arms and legs in my arms. I looked back suspiciously and was surprised to see Jungkook giving him funny looks.

I looked forward and asked in my mind, what is he doing here? I realized he was trying to get closer to Junho. Danger signal! I have to get out of here now.

“Y/N, wait,” Jungkook called out to me as I started walking.

I didn't stop. His words kept ringing in my ears which was weakening my mind. I don't want him to enter my life again. He is an a$$hole.

He walked quickly and stood in front of me, blocking the way. I looked at him with anger in my eyes but didn't say anything.

"Come on, let me drop you home," he said with a smile that made me doubt.

"No need," I said, trying to walk past him but he said again, "The bus will be crowded at this time. Besides, taxis are scarce. It's not safe for a girl to go alone with a little child."

"You don't have to worry so much. From giving birth to raising this little baby - I did it all alone. Because I'm brave, not a coward," I expected Jungkook to storm off in anger but his eyes showed shame and sadness.

"Please..." he pleaded.

It was beyond my expectations. I didn't know that Jungkook could make a request. I didn't know what to do. He is right. It's too late. It is not safe to go alone now.

I reluctantly agreed, "Okay. But I have to go to the supermarket before going home."


●  ●  ●

Jungkook was driving quietly and I was silent too. But Junho was enjoying his mischief. He was trying to grab car buttons and stuff. If nothing else, he tried to grab the gear and suck it.

"Calm down. Sit still, baby," I tried to hold him tight but he didn't comply.

“Umma….Tha....Tha” He tried to move forward, towards the gear with all his might.

I heard Jungkook chuckling at his cuteness. I looked down & smiled.

At last, we reached the supermarket. I have to buy diapers & milk for him. He is 1 year & 5 months old & can walk with his little feet.

I put him down and started looking for diapers. As he slowly started to walk away, I said, "Baby, don't go far away."

But who listens to me? He is doing his own business. Meanwhile, Jungkook is in his car.

I don't know what Jungkook is planning now. What does he really want? He...calls me a cheater, then fights with me at the office, now drives me home. He is very difficult to understand. Does he even understand himself? I don't think so.

I never want Junho to grow up without a father. I definitely want to give my child a good life. But that is not possible.

I could do a DNA test to prove to Jungkook that Junho is his child. But I won't. Doing so would destroy my self-esteem. If he is a really good father, he will know his child himself.

And me? What will happen to me? Jungkook will never love me in this web of lies. He doesn't believe me. I think he never loved me. At the end of the day, I am betrayed by my parents.....and by Jungkook too.

But I will never let this happen to Junho. I'll give him a better future. I will raise him to be a brave & humanitarian person.

------------End of EP 11------------

A/N: Please vote dears.💜

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