chapter 14

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            “You ready yet Connor?” I yelled.

            “One sec.” He yells back.

            I sigh in response and continue to wait for him. Now you might be wondering why I would be waiting for him in the first place and the answer is simple. Connor is staying with me for the week we’re all gone. Since his family is the enemy it’s not like he can just go visit them for a week and come back. I didn’t want to at first but Officer Russell made me feel guilty about him getting shot because of me. So here we are, me waiting for Connor because he’s such a girl and needs all of his stuff. He doesn’t even really have anything and yet I finished before him.

            I sigh again and then Connor finally comes out of his room. He has 3 bags filled with god only knows what and smiles at me.

            “Ready baby cakes?” I ask.

            “Yes I am.” He starts to walk to the car.

            “What’s in those bags anyways?” I ask curiously.

            “Ah ah ah. It’s a secret.” He grins.

            “Now I’m really curious.” I mutter while Connor laughs. His laughter makes a smile appear on my face. He has one of those laughs that just make you want to laugh.

            “So where’s everyone else?” Connor asks.

            “They already left.” I say.

            “I’m surprised they’re fine with me staying with you.” Connor winks at me.

            My cheeks heat up. “It’s not like anything’s going to happen.” I slap him and of course he laughs again. “Jeez, you’re impossible. I’m only taking you in because I feel guilty.”

            Connor grabs my hands and forces me to stop. He gives me a serious look. “There is nothing for you to feel guilty about. I protected you because I love you. I will always protect you. It was my choice to push you out of the way and I would do it again if I had to.” Connor brings my hands up to his lips and softly kisses my hands. He keeps his eyes on me the whole time as he does this. I know I’m blushing like crazy and hate that he makes me feel this way. “So please, don’t blame yourself.”

            “A-alright. I get it, so can you give me back my hands?” I kick myself for stuttering.

            Connor gives me a dazzling smile. “Nope. I’m going to keep one hand so I know you won’t run away from me. I’m planning to stick with you for the whole week.”

            “What? You can’t be serious. I’m going to be with Cassy the whole time.” I say.

            “That’s fine. I want to meet Cassy. And it’ll be fun. We’ll look like a family.” Connor smirks.

            My heart flutters at the image. We would make a good family. I shake my head and rip my hands out of Connors. I can’t worry about love. I got distracted last time and I don’t need distractions this time. I get in the car and Connor follows. The car ride took over 6 hours and when we finally arrived I felt so relieved. I know Officer Russell said that the town wasn’t attacked but I just had to see it myself to believe it.

            Connor and I take out our luggage and we go up the stairs leading to the front door. I decide to ring the doorbell instead of walking in. I hear feet running towards the door quickly. The door flings open and there stands a 13 year old girl. She stares at me for a moment before squealing and jumping into my arms. I drop my luggage and hug her back. I laugh as she cries that I’m back. As I set her down I hear another pair of feet come towards us. I look up to see a soldier. He smiles before patting Cassy’s head and leaving the house with luggage.

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