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January 15th, 11PM

Nika P.O.V

A call from Ryan on Paige's phone at was the last thing I expected, especially at 11pm when she was supposed to be at a concert. With the blonde in the shower after our practice, I glance over before moving to answer her phone.

"Hey Ryan, Paige is in the shower. Is everything alright?" I start before hearing a door open. "Or actually she's just now getting out."

"I need both of you guys, can you put me on the speaker?"  I do so, commotion filling the line from Ryan's side.

"You're on." I state, Paige walking out of the bathroom, drying her hair.

"Hi Ryan?" She greets

"Hi um, so don't freak out completely, but Jess and I are about to take Maia and Alyssa to the hospital. Can you guys meet us there?"

I blink, mouth slightly dropping as I glance at Paige who looks just as bewildered as me

"What the fuck?" Paige says out loud, the blonde already throwing on a sweatshirt and sitting next to me on my bed.

"Ryan, what happened?" I ask.

"I think that's a better conversation for Alyssa or Maia to have with you guys when you get here... Long story short Alyssa beat the shit of of someone who was trying to hurt Maia, we're taking them both to make sure they're both alright."

I grab my keys, tugging on my own sweatshirt hastily as an growing furious Paige tells Ryan that'd we be there as soon as possible. My heart beating so fast that I could hear the pounding in my ears, I glance over to Paige who I can assume is mirroring a panicked expression that's on my own face.

"What the fuck happened..." Paige repeats and I shake my head, not knowing, both of us just have that our girlfriends were okay.

"Come on, let's hurry up and get over there." I say, closing the door behind Paige who nervously taps her foot against the floor as she waits for me to lock it. Both of us jogging to my car. My hands nervous tapping against the steering wheel and Paige's leg bouncing up and down as stop lights took to long to turn. I may or may not have gone fifteen over the speed limit but its okay.

The first thing we see upon entering the hospital is Ryan and Jess sitting off to the right, the two volleyball players quietly chatting until Jess's eyes land on us, the black girl tapping Ryan's shoulder. Ryan glances behind her before waving us over.

"What's wrong?" Paige asks

"Are they okay?" I follow quickly, not seeing either of our girlfriends any where.

"They're both being looked at right now... " Ryan says softly before sighing, "Someone at the concert um... an old dick of a situationship," Ryan does air quotes with her fingers as she continues to talk, "As Alyssa called them, tried to sexually assault Maia..."

My eyes widen before shooting over to Paige, the girls eyes equally as wide before anger fully takes over her features, mixed with concern.

Ryan seeing the athletes expression raises her hands, "Before you ask anything else I really don't know about the situation or who it was, that's something to ask Alyssa. We  know nothing happened to Maia," She gestures at below her pants, "Here at least... there's a few marks on her neck and some bruises though."

My hand comes to rest on Paige's shoulder as I see the girl's fist clench, turning white as her nails dig into her own palms, no doubt fighting a mental battle in her own mind. My own anger slow rising at what had happened to my friend before I look back at Ryan.

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