Bonus Chapter - Firecracker

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Hello! Thank you so much for your support on this story and for your patience with the sequel. The first chapter should be published on 1st June, or as close to that date as I can get. In the meantime, please enjoy this sweet scene suggested by @Montedetinta03 in which Rowan meets River for the first time and sparks (and knives) fly! I hope you like it <3

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I stride down the woodland trail towards the heart of Crescent Valley, thoughts flitting from worry to worry. Duskland. The death toll. The long nights. The grief of losing yet another pack member. The frustration that everything my parents built is crashing down all around me.

It's a peaceful evening, at least. That counts for something. With the sun sinking beneath the mountainous horizon, the night comes alive. Snuffling animals in the underbrush, crickets buzzing incessantly with owls hooting in forlorn harmony. My wolf lends me a little extra sight, casting the woods in clarity despite the shadows. I take a deep breath, filing away the pleasant aroma of dewy grass and shadowed ferns and lurking ozone as rain threatens to fall.

At my side, Beau tucks his hands away into his pockets and sighs heavily, tilting his head back to admire the star-speckled sky above the rustling canopies. Morgan trails along behind us, lost to her thoughts and no doubt grateful for a little peace and quiet.

Up ahead, Teo, Kay, and Lach's wolves dart after one another, bowing playfully and yipping and racing ahead only to circle round a trunk and come bounding back. Their excitement has my lips twitching, but the smile is quick to fall.

Circling the edges of my land has become a new routine, ever since Duskland has decided to creep closer, stealing the vulnerable parts of a territory passed down to me. I'm still learning the ropes of calling this land mine, of having people look up to me for every decision. I've grown so used to having my parents as a security blanket that, with them gone, I feel lost. Vulnerable. Exposed. Especially with Alessandro breathing down my neck.

My people are dying and their families look to me to make it right. To protect them. To stop Duskland before they kill anyone else.

I can't do it on my own.

I can only hope to delay the inevitable. Alessandro is older than me, more experienced, and with a devout fated at his side. His line is certain. His pack grows in strength with every sentry of mine they kill, with every yard of my land they steal.

As we breach the outskirts of town, emerging from the woods onto a nearly-vacant car park, Lachlan's wolf yips for my attention and I'm hauled away from my hounding thoughts. He's gathered at my side with Teo and Kay, their hackles raising, snouts tipped upwards to sniff at the air.

On the cool air rises muffled but obvious sounds of a fight nearby. Concern flares within me.

Beau frowns. "There's not meant to be any sentries down here, is there?"

"No, there's not," I return. The only sentry covering this area was Ryan, and Duskland has already dealt with him. I haven't had the time or the resources to replace him, just yet. I can't afford to thin out and strain the defences of my borders any more than they already are.

Either one of the nearby clubs or bars has spat out a drunken brawl or Duskland has ventured onto my land — again — and is picking fights with my people. Frustration lights my blood and my pace picks up.

"You bastard," a hoarse voice groans, pain thickening his voice.

Grunts and gasps and yelps are a beacon pulling me forward. I catch thuds and snaps in amidst the symphony of agony drawing me towards a dark alley.

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