CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: The Glass Slipper Charm

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The next day, when I entered the Tented Market, I ran my finger down the items on Maud's shopping list. I had no idea what she needed a magnifying glass, a green-and-purple scarf, and a yellow umbrella for, but I shrugged and set off to find them anyway. I couldn't help feeling glad that Muffet had decided to spend time with Valentine today. I knew he would have made fun of how my head turned this way and that, as though looking for someone . . .

"I thought I'd find you here," said a familiar voice.

I couldn't hide my smile when I turned to see Kit standing right behind me.

"I'm really beginning to think that you don't ever work at that pie stall," I said, feeling a little shy at how close he was to me. I hadn't known until that moment that the perfect way for a boy to smell was like fresh-cut grass and cinnamon.

"Maybe I just wander around, hoping to find you," he teased, which made my face glow like dragon fire. "So what are you looking for today? More love potion ingredients?"

I rolled my eyes. "Just some things for Maud."

Kit chuckled. "I thought fairy godmothers were supposed to help you and not the other way around." He tilted his head, his warm hazel eyes roaming over my face. "You don't find the idea of a fairy godmother outdated at all? Someone who pushes people around and tells them who to marry?"

We started walking, moving easily along the stalls as the place was nearly empty today.

"No one pushes anyone around. It's not about authority."

"No? I thought fairy godmothers had all the real power in the land," he said, jerking his head in the direction of Irisia Palace. "They could even tell him what to do."

"Prince Christopher doesn't have a fairy godmother."

"But if he did, she would influence him. She would make decisions for him." He shrugged. "The king sits on the throne, but the fairy godmother's the one with the scepter."

"You're giving entirely too much power to the fairy godmother. Listening to someone is a choice." I paused, thinking. "Having a fairy godmother is about protection. Not just physical, but emotional too. I think fairy godmothers help people see what they might not see by themselves."

"Their happily-ever-afters, you mean?"

"Maybe," I agreed. "Maybe royals need more help than anyone else. Maybe they've been so coddled and locked up in castles that they don't know what they want. They just know what they're supposed to want."

"And what do you want?"

I smiled, remembering M.D.'s words back at the tavern. "I want to live a life I want. I want to make my own happily-ever-after."

Kit was silent for a moment. "We're not so different then, you and I," he said at last.

We passed by the glass charm cart and I peered over, wondering if the shoe was still there like the woman had promised. This time, it was a man who stood behind the counter. "Are you looking for something in particular?" he asked, but when I mentioned the glass shoe, he shook his head regretfully. "I'm afraid that was purchased weeks ago. I'm very sorry."

My face fell. I hadn't expected to feel so disappointed, but I guess I'd had some romantic idea that the shoe would be a symbol of having come so far in my internship.

"May I offer you something else? Maybe a glass rose?" The man's eyes darted between me and Kit.

"Not today, thanks," Kit said, leading me away. "Are you all right?"

Pumpkin Patch PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora