2: Who's A?

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Chapter 2: Who's A?

The whole week I ended up spending my time unpacking. But guess what? I am still not done yet. I wanted to dispose of some of my clothes, photo albums, etc but I couldn't bring myself to as those held too much memories. The sad thing is my boyfriend nor my best friend came to visit me the whole freaking week. Rodrick's too busy with his assignment and Casey's grandma hasn't left her yet. My college starts in a few weeks so it would have been better if I got to hang out with those two but yeah... It didn't happen.

However I have been noticing something uncanny about my new apartment... Okay be ready to hear the most clichéd horror movie dialogue ever. I feel like I am not alone. I feel like there is an unwanted presence lingering at my new apartment. The stench seems to get even more horrible despite all the air fresheners I have used and worst of all I can't find the source of it. I checked everywhere for any dead rats but failed to find a furry corpse. The other thing that seems suspicious is that our food keeps on disappearing. I cooked spaghetti for brunch yesterday and saved some for Audrey too. But by the time Audrey came back it was gone. In place of it was a dirty white plastic plate which was perhaps licked clean. I didn't hear the end of it my sister though. Audrey even called me a fatso. That kid really needs to have control over her mouth. Lastly doors keep slamming on my face all the time but the outside weather has no signs of wind, I swear. I feel very paranoid these days but I have no choice at all.

This apartment is our last resort. As much as I hate living in this once burned down/ haunted apartment in truth I am too broke to afford anything else. Yeah you heard that right this place had burned down long ago and then renovated a few years ago. My dad had bought this apartment in New York for us to live but then we decided to shift to Florida for dad's work. But my father was persistent about keeping the flat as his job involves moving often so we might have needed to head off to New York anytime. Dad decided to rent this apartment to a family. But exactly 10 years ago, a leaked gas pipe caused the whole place to burn down in which the family died. The only person who survived was the 15 year old daughter who was handed over to the uncle after their family's death. That's all I know. There has been rumors that the place is haunted after my father tried to renovate it and rent it to other tenants. They claimed to feel the presence of something paranormal so we hadn't had any new tenants for the last 5 years.

I was snapped out my thoughts after hearing a door slam behind me. It was my bedroom door again. I groaned in annoyance but inside I was freaking out. Keeping a calm composure I approached the door slowly, almost too slowly because I knew for a fact that I tightly shut my windows and there is no way in hell the wind could have shut the door. The door made a creaking sound when I opened it. Reminder to myself: grease the hinges. I opened the door to see nothing doubtful. My bed was neatly made and a dream catcher still hung from my blue colored walls which seemed still. But there was a crumbled piece of paper. I picked up the paper. The paper seemed to be straightened and crumbled a lot of times. I opened the find something written in a messy handwriting. The moment I laid my eyes on it I couldn't recover from the shock of what was written inside it.

Your boyfriend's cheating on you.

I looked around to see if there was anyone inside the room. Nothing. I realized I was unarmed so I picked up a steel hanger and got out of my room to search the whole house while crumbling the piece of paper in my hand. Nothing here at all. My heart started beating inside my chest and my palms became sweaty. I looked at the paper again. My sweaty palms made the ink bleed but not enough to make the writing illegible. I read the message again.

I reached for the front door looking through the peep hole. The image in front of me was still. But soon the image in front of me started moving as the door to my neighbor's apartment opened revealing my boyfriend. Rodrick was in his favorite pink (Pink is his favorite color. Don't ask why.)T-shirt carrying a duffel bag. Where is he off to? I wondered. He usually doesn't go anywhere when he has a big assignment coming up. His mom or I stop at his apartment to help him with his groceries. Yeah he's a nerd. He looked around to see if anyone was there and then finally glanced at my apartment door. I peeled myself away from the door as if on impulse. You fool he can't see you! I scolded myself and looked through the peephole again. He left his apartment leaving me wondering.


Casey finally stopped by. We watched reruns of Arrested Development. Then finally we talked about College. I wasn't really looking forward to it as I had to major in Geography as I wasn't sure about my goals. Casey was very much looking forward to collage not because of her major (She's majoring in English) but because of college boys.

Casey and I are really different. She's like the outspoken type and I am like the shy one. She even likes to mess around with guys because according to her life is too short to be committed to one guy while I am stuck with Rodrick since forever. We are exact opposites different in the looks category too. I had olive skin while she had a milky pale complexion with freckles around her nose. She had the most beautiful baby blue eyes while I inherited my dad's boring brown eyes. Her blonde hair was curly which made her look good and without using a hair dryer wasn't while I was a flat red head. She even had a killer figure which attracted many guys.

Speaking of guys, Casey left early as she had a date with some hot guy. Casey never tells me much details about the guys she's sleeping with as she thinks I will judge her.

I was wiping of leftover crumbles of Doritos from the coffee table after Casey left. Audrey was over at her friend Jeremiah's house on a play date. My sister had a much better social life than I did. I was leaning down on my coffee table as I finished picking up the empty chip packets when I felt a tap on my butt. I looked around to see nothing. Maybe it must be my imagination. I looked around but this time a note was left on one of the arm chairs. Oh God I hope it's not what I think it is.

Your boyfriend's cheating on your right now. Go see it for yourself.

P.S nice pajamas ;)

I froze at my place. My body became numb and my heart started beating faster as if I could hear it in my ears. I stared at my pants wide eyed. I was wearing a stained Hello Kitty pajamas. This guy was being sarcastic then. Of course he was! It has been a few days since the last note arrived. I even asked Audrey about this. She swore on her stuffed pony Bella that she didn't do it. I kind of believed her as she loved that stupid pony like her own. I kind of forgot about the note until now.

This is insane. Too much questions were popping inside my head. Who's sending me these notes? How does he know that Rodrick is cheating on me? And what about Rodrick? How can he cheat on me after we have been going out for a year?

Aaaagghhh. I groaned internally. I had to clear my head of any doubt and this guy who's supposedly my A from pretty little liars that he's wrong about Rodrick. I walked up to my main door. Before I could turn the knob I was having second thoughts.

No Grace. This is wrong. Rodrick will never cheat on you. And you believing that stupid A? But then according to Pretty Little Liars A was always good at finding the dirt on someone. God what's wrong with you Grace? You are taking advice from a TV show?

My grip on the door knob became tighter. The cold metal felt comfortable against my sweaty palms. Without any second thoughts I rushed to my neighbor's apartment.

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