Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Calix comes out of his room wearing clothing any normal teenager would wear, jeans and a t-shirt.

"Hmmm..." Melina says.

Calix examines himself self-consciously, as if making sure he had remembered to put his pants on. "What?"

"Nothing," she says. "I was just expecting something...I don't know...more-"

"Magical?" I hear Misto mutter in a girly voice under his breath. I elbow him and roll my eyes.

"I think she means more kick-assish," Dylis says. "You know the way you handled that sword and stuff. I guess I- I mean- she was a leather jacket I guess..."

Calix lets out a little chuckle. "Well I guess I could dress up in all black with a nice leather jacket and some chains if that makes y'all happy." He winks at me. I blush and look down at my feet. I see Misto shake his head in my peripheral vision. "Let's get this over with," he sighs.

Calix says that Velotz should be fine since he's still sleeping and he locked the door. He leads the group through the tunnel and back out into the center of the city, where Despair's Lake is waiting.

"They call it Despair's Lake because they say it feeds off of your despair and fear. They say it feeds off of grief and sadness as well, considering most depressed people like to come here. The lake 'eats away' the sadness or fear they feel, which makes them feel better, and draws them into the water. And most of them never come back out," Calix says. Would that explain why I wanted to go back into the water so badly? I was scared out of my mind; from the Security, to the vine pulling me down into somewhere unknown. But the others had been scared too, why did it only effect me?

"So if I was sad I could go here and it would take the pain away?" Dylis asks.

"Well that would be extremely dangerous. Sure it would take the pain away but then it'd drown you in the waters of your own despair."

"How are we immune to it now if it brings the fear out of us?" Misto says with death eyes.

"Well sometimes other emotions overpower the fear or sadness that you may be feeling or that the lake is trying to draw out of you. Let's take you for example. Your obvious dislike of me is probably stronger than your fears right now," Calix says with a sarcastic smile.

Ajax laughs. "Ooooooo BURN!" he says. Meanwhile Misto gives Calix a death glare and says, "How about we use you as an example this time? Your arrogance, audacity, and insolence completely squashes the power of the lake. Even if you fell right in it'd still overpower it."

"Misto," I say sternly. But he keeps his eyes fixed on Calix, and Calix has his aqua eyes locked on Misto. "Is this a challenge?" Calix says unwaveringly.

Misto doesn't hesitate. "Bring it."

"Guys this is stupid," Melina says. "This isn't going to accomplish anything."

"Let's just get out of this place and go somewhere else. I think we've all had enough of this place today," I say, now getting nervous.

"You guys don't get how boys work, do you?" Ajax says. "We don't let these types of things just fly by. We do something about it. I say let them fight."

"You heard him girls," Calix says. His gaze never left Misto. "Let Misto here do what he wants."

I can't stand this. We haven't even been here for a half a day and this whole thing is about to fall apart because Misto wants to prove a point. That is so like him.

"Yeah. I can fend for myself. Now let's get in the water then, shall we?" Misto says.

Calix smiles. "Whenever you're ready."

Now I'm scared. They're about to jump into a lake that drowns you in your own despair. I know Misto probably won't stand a chance and deep down I think he knows it too. And that's why he'll lose.

They walk closer to it, their eyes still riveted to their opponent. I look over at Ajax, who seems to be excited with a big smile and bulging eyes. Dylis let the whole matter go. She must have had to deal with this all the time I guess, considering she has three older brothers. She caught me staring at her. "Don't worry. They'll either realize that this is stupid on their own, or they'll both lose and make up. It happens every time."

This still doesn't ease me. They will certainly not comprehend that this whole thing is stupid at this point, and in this situation I don't think there really can be two losers unless they both drown. Melina stands close to Ajax, she seems to be a bit nervous about this too. The boys take their first step into the water. Its glow isn't as bright as it was when we first landed, but it flickers a bit once they're knee deep in the lake.

Misto almost loses his footing while sidestepping deeper into the water. Calix smirks. Misto's eye twitches. But their eyes are still attached to each other. My breaths are becoming raggedy. I inhale a shaky breath of the lake mist. I had no idea that I had been walking closer to it this whole time. Is it feeding off of my fear? If it is I can't tell, but it feels comforting. It's calling to me, and I'm answering.

Ajax calls me, and although I can hear him, it's almost as if I have no control over my actions. I keep walking, as if I never heard him at all. He grabs my arm. "Not this again! Liliya. Stop. Now," he says. But his voice is muffled. My eyes don't leave the lake, now glowing brighter than it was a few seconds ago. I rip my arm out of his grip and keep walking, dirt and sand sliding in between my toes.

He takes a frustrated breath and wraps his arms around me from behind and picks me up. I stomp my feet back on the floor and fling my arms out, pushing his arms away from me like pushing open a set of double doors. He stands in shock for a moment. I had never been stronger than him, I always lost in strength competitions against him, and yet I broke free from his grip as easily as breaking a toothpick. There's no way I'm not getting in that water; my conscience isn't sure if that's a good or bad thing.

I take my first step in, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. It feels so good, Calix must have gotten it wrong when he said that this heavenly lake would drown you in despair. I want it to swallow me, and take away everything. The light pulses, sending a ripple through the water. Misto and Calix, who at this point are treading water, finally quit their staring contest and look at me. But all I can see is the light, beckoning me forward. I take a leap and dive in.

The water is freezing like it was before, but I pay no mind to it. One half of me feels lighter than air, while the other half is screaming like crazy, why the heck did I just get back in here?! But the panic side seems to slip away as I swim deeper, closer to the light source.

The underwater plants dance around me as if excited to see that their friend has returned. They reach out to me playfully. I swim over to what looks like seaweed. It waves to me. I smile and return the wave, then reach out to touch it. It suddenly becomes as straight as an arrow, then wraps itself around my neck.

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