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The drive to Merton wasn't that long, but we took our time, avoiding anywhere that could possibly have an ambush, meaning that we took two hours on a one hour trip. But when you think about, you would prefer to be alive and late than early and dead.

Rapier pulled up outside the ruined building which was supposed to be where Voulge was, but we all knew that she would be more careful than to just let anyone come in.

The building itself isn't exactly imposing. It is a simple one storey building sitting on the gentle rise of the hill, overlooking the rest of the town. It had a tall steel fence surrounding it, with spear like spires protruding from the top. From our large amount of knowledge, we noticed multiple trip wires and laser fields on the lawns, as well as road spikes on the way up.

The entire house was hidden under the shade of three oak trees, which swayed gently in the breeze, appearing to be giant blocks in view, but when looked at closer, they appeared as a perfect blanket over the building, making it almost impossible for anyone to use airborne machines to attack the house.

The house, to put it simply, was built to withstand world war 3, much less five kids. But we weren't kids. Using nothing more than Raven's weapon, we scaled the fence one at a time and jumped down. We then did a series of flips and gymnastic feats across the lawn so as to avoid the alarms going off. We all made it to the other side, but as we turned towards the front porch we found Voulge's polearm aimed at head height.

Most people's reaction would be to try and push the weapon out of the way, but that just ends up with them dead and bleeding on the ground, if it hadn't been for the fact that Voulge was our friend, I would have jumped diagonally back, out of range of the staff, then started the duel on much fairer rules.

As it happened, Voulge recognized us and let us come through into her 'sanctuary as she apparently likes to call it. We sit down in a surprisingly grand room, trying to rake in all of it. The room spanned for the entire length of the house, with the side wall being floor to ceiling bulletproof glass. Nothing was getting in here without so serious force or wit.

"What do you people want, I have been trying to forget about you," Voulge's voice cuts me from my thoughts, turning me instead to the task at hand.

"Voulge, how can you say that? After all we have been through together, you just want to leave? I'm sorry if that's your perfect world, but it isn't mine." There was steel behind Rapier's tone. "Remember how we wanted a lovely life in a house just like this? Remember that? Well a group of agents from C.L.O.U.D. attacked us, taking us completely by surprise. I understand if you don't want to fight anymore, but fighting is the only way out of this,"

"How can you say that Rapier? Out of all the people in this room, you were the least likely candidate I thought I would have to say this too. My home is here, where else do I go? Not to wherever you guys have bunked. No, if I have to fight, then I will fight here." Her stubbornness was infuriating.

Both Raven and Sling rose at that. Walking past Rapier and myself so they were directly in front of Voulge.

"Listen here Voulge, I get that we aren't great friends, but damned if I am going to let you fight the entire government by yourself!! There is no way in hell I'm going to let any of us die by the hands of those creeps." Raven's words seemed to ring home, changing the expression on Voulge's face.

"I'm not one to say anything like this normally, but we need you. While most of the others are too immature to say it, your help is required in our group and frankly, we aren't able to properly function without your guidance. I hate the fact that I have to do this but here you go," from out of a concealed pocket, Sling pulled out a cloth with a whistle wrapped inside. "You promised me that we would be there for each other, no matter the consequences, you gave me your word for crying out loud, don't you dare forsake that for selfish wants."

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