The Prelude: A life changing deal

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In 2019 the world began buying up firearms feeling the end of the world on their shoulders, almost everyone starting to become that one guy hiding out in his house with a private armory and a stockpile of ammo, people were becoming paranoid and buying guns from where ever they could, even if it led to hurting or even killing other people. While chaos was happening in the streets and in alley ways, the arms trading business was making a killing, both literally and figuratively, arms companies were almost rolling in money off the blood of innocent people and their workers.

One company was trying to jump into the field with the other arms companies around the world and trying to get their share of the cash that the arms companies were getting from the blood of people, the company had opened up a new division to quality sell guns to the public. The new division had a different C.E.O than the actual C.E.O. Himself.

6:00 in the morning, in Japan, a young woman awoken in her small apartment, she was a pale young woman, but she was missing her right arm from the elbow and missing her left leg from the knee. She was wearing a small tank top and a pair of shorts, the woman leaned up throwing the covers off her self and reached under her pillow to grab her walking prosthetic, she put it onto her knee and slowly stood up and went into the bathroom to wash herself.

While the young woman went into the bathroom, there was a knock at the door, then another and another knock, the knocks began to get consistent, and repetitive to the point where it seems like some one had a grudge against the door or like the other side of the door just got into a fight with someone that was very impatient and didn't like waiting for others who had something to do at the time.

The young woman came out of the bathroom still in the clothes she slept in not having time to shower and yelled to who ever was at the door."I'll be there in a minute !" But the response was just another hard knock in which the woman just yelled again after sighing."Give me a second hold on !" After she yelled at the door she headed for the door and opened her front door to be greeted by a slender but voluptuous woman in a black suit with bright purple eyes.

Behind the woman was large person in what looked like heavy body armor and a gas mask on their face. The suited woman soon brought the young woman's attention back to her." Oh my well I guess we came a little too early, Ms.Kurosawa. One of us didn't think about common courtesy of sleeping people." The suited woman eyeballed the large armored person behind her while she stayed facing the young woman.

" Don't call me Ms.Kurosawa, just call me Eiko please. If you selling something I do not want it." She told the two, the suited woman stared at Eiko growing a small smile on her face she then bowed in front of Eiko before saying ." Well Eiko, I do not plan on trying to sell you anything ma'm, I only want to hire you for my compan.." The woman stopped herself when she saw the prosthetic leg and looked up to Eiko's face, she began to examine the young pale woman silently and judge her in the silence of her mind.

" Do you possibly have an older sister that shares the same name as you ? " The woman asked with a smile still as if nothing could exactly go wrong in the world.

" No." Eiko swiftly answered.

" Perhaps a brother or a mother with the same name or maybe a cousin ?"

" No, and god no." Eiko looked at the armored brute behind the woman." Is there a reason for all of these questions ?" Eiko asked her.

" Well yes it is ! "The suited woman's face and she kinda glared at Eiko." I expected to come here and see some type of sexy assassin with curves that would make a weak man's nose bleed or a woman that looks like a badass chick, not some short girl wi-." Before the suited woman could continue her rant, Eiko managed to swiftly kick the woman in the face with her prosthetic, while she was dazed from the sudden attack, Eiko grabbed her and spun her towards the large armored person.

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