Chapter Twenty-Nine ✓

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Emberly's POV:

I unlocked my house door hastily. All I wanted to do was jump on my bed and rest for half an hour before I returned back to work. As usual, I was running around getting everything done before the deadline, which was a huge accomplishment for me. In my opinion, Arran could use another personal assistant. Enough said.

It still surprised me how he handled everything on his own. I had never seen his father in the building. Arran was the sole person running this empire. Thinking about his dad, I frowned. He was a strange man. I couldn't forget what he asked me to do. However, I also couldn't forget that he was there consoling me when I was crying on my first week in the office or how he helped me with my parents. I swear some people were so complicated; it felt like it would take an eternity to understand them.

I was thinking about going upstairs when I heard someone sniffing. My brows scrunched together as I entered the living room. What I saw made my lungs squeeze all the air out instantly. Cherry was lying on the couch with tears leaking out of her eyes rapidly. In a swift motion I was next to her.

"What's wrong? What happened? Cher, you are scaring me." I questioned her as I felt my heart beating loudly in my ears.

She looked at me with red, puffy eyes before hugging me tightly. Something terrible must have happened because Cherry never cried. The last time she cried was when her uncle passed away and that was ten years ago!

"It's that...  bitch again. She... she... rejected my dress." She stuttered in between hiccups.

I closed my eyes feeling relief that she wasn't physically injured but I also realised how much it must have hurt her. She was majoring in Arts and Designs and last year they were specifically told that they had to design a dress for their project. She had been working on it since summer and she must have been feeling gutted. She told me Lorain, her teacher held some unknown grudges against her.

"Why?" I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and asked her. I felt like killing that bitch for making my best friend cry.

"She said...  it's too common. Berr, I worked so hard on that dress. I know she is doing this on purpose." She stammered.

I rubbed her back and got up to get her water. I filled the cup and gave it to her. She sighed and drank the whole cup in one go. I  had helped her with the designs and material on that dress. I didn't know why Lorain wouldn't approve the dress because it was stunning. I felt bad for Cherry because I knew how hard she worked and she was so confident. It was her dream project.

"Why would she do that?" I frowned. I couldn't see any reason why anyone would reject her dress. The material she chose was very exclusive and I clearly remembered roaming around shops to find it.

"I don't know. I think it's because of her granddaughter, who is in the same class as I am. The bitch hardly does any work. Do you know she makes Lorain do all the work?" She told me, narrowing her eyes.

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