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I didn't remember how I ended up in the mans dining room. Everything was so foggy, and the pain was unreal. My brain pounded against my skull. I groaned softly and tried to get up from the chair I was positioned in.

I couldn't move.

Something was holding my arms and legs down. I tried to look down, but the pain in my head increased drastically as I tried to do it. I winced at the increased pounding in my head.

I heard a groan beside me. The dining room was pretty dark, and the only light source was one lit candle poised on top of the table. I could see the faint outline of red hair, and a freckled face beside me.

The lights flicked on, and the girl with the red hair gasped. My head started to pound even more, and I guessed the girl with the red hair was having the same reaction too.

"Ah, only two of you are awake, but you two can debrief Mallory when she wakes up," the man smiled walking into the dining room.

I glanced to my left to see a brown haired girl slumped in her chair.

"Alright girls, how about you introduce yourselves?" The man said clapping his hands together.

We both stared at each other. I began to notice that she had freckles sprinkling across her face, and she was wearing a soccer uniform, cleats and all.

"I said, I introduce yourselves," the man snapped.

"I'm Alison, and you?" I asked trying not to sound terrified.

"Fallon," she mumbled.

The man walked over and slapped Fallon sharply across the face. Fallon let out a cry and tears started to pour from her eyes.

"We do not mumble in this house," the man snapped at Fallon.

Fallon nodded her head, and continued to whimper. The man walked gracefully back to the head of the table. He took a seat, and smiled at both of us warmly.

"I thank you girls for doing this for my daughter, she's so excited to meet you," the man smiled again.

"You psycho you kidnapped us," I spat.

"Alison, that's enough!" the man shouted.

I flinched at his outburst. He got up from his chair and stomped over to me. I knew what was coming next.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that," I whimpered.

He stopped mid stride, and did that same creepy smile. He walked back over to the head of the table, and sat down.

"Very good Alison, next time though an apology won't save you," he said.

"Alright girls, so your probably wondering why you are here," the man smiled.

Fallon nodded slowly, and I followed her movement too.

"As I said before my daughter is very excited to meet you, and I can't thank you enough for doing this," he continued.

"The reason why your here is, to become friends with my daughter, she's getting quite lonely here," he smiled.

All I could think about was the fact that this guy went through all of the trouble just to kidnap three girls, just so his daughter could have some friends.

"Oh, and I forgot to introduce myself!" He exclaimed.

"My name is Harry, and my daughters name is Melanie,"he smiled.

I didn't want to upset him so I tried to smile back at him.

"Except there is one rule girls," Harry added.

"If my daughter complains about you once, you die," Harry smiled.

That was hard to write kind of eh
What took me forever was the description wow
So I made it quite simple and to the point lol
But hey thanks for reading this first chapter :)
Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote!

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