Dear Daddy

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The stupid doctor tells me that writing to you will help me realize that you're not there anymore. She's too much of a fucking idiot to realize that you'll always be there! It's my punishment for killing you. I tried to be free, but now I'm going to be trapped for the rest of my life. The only reason I am actually writing this is because the stupid bitch of a doctor is watching my every move, ready to report if I "don't cooperate".

I want to take the pen she gave me, and shove it deep into her eye, watching as the eyeball pops, and blood pours out of the socket like a waterfall, as I listen to her screaming in pain. And then, when I'm finished with the first eye, I would do it to the second one. By the time the guards come in, she would be blind, unable to watch me anymore.

I'm restraining myself though, because of her. I need to be on my best behavior so when no one suspects it, I can get out, and return to my love.

I lied to you, daddy. You thought I killed her, but she's still alive. She was the only one to ever love me; I couldn't kill her. I only had to make it seem like I did. I knew that when I slit her throat it wasn't going to kill her. I've killed enough people to know how deep I need to press to do real damage.

I remember everything about her, like she's right here with me. Her curly, red hair; her big, hazel eyes, which are always staring at you with understanding. That's the thing about her; she's so trusting, and...and naïve. She puts her full faith into someone, even if they give her reason not to. Even after I did all the things you told me too, she still found a way to love me.

At night, I lay in bed thinking about all those things I did. I replay her screams over and over in my head and its music to my ears. I can still imagine how her blood tasted on my tongue, and how sexy she was when she tried to fight me.

She's waiting for me, daddy. Waiting for me on the outside; I just need to get to her. She promised that she and I would be together; that she only loved me.

She's mine.

She said that she didn't love that Derek tool, and I'm sure that it was the truth. Because if I find out that he even fucking touched her while I've been here, he's going to die. And then I'll kill her for betraying me. Kill her, and everyone she loves.



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