Chapter 2 - Big Trouble

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Tyler walked into the room. Judging by the head teachers face, he wasn't going to get off easily. "Sit down, Mr Adams". He sit at the chair near the desk. "Sir, before you start it was an accident". "Was an accident! I have a staff in an ambulance heading to hospital. Come on Tyler, you always behave perfectly. What made you do it"? "Sir, you know how sensitive I get when people talk about my father. And Mr Roberts always finds a reason to shout at me". "I guess you have a point there. He can be a bit, well off-sided with some students. However". Tyler knew whenever the head teacher said "whenever" it would never end well. "I cannot let this incident slip. So I'm giving you two weeks suspension and one-week school within work, understand". "Yes sir". "Good put this letter in your bag and you can show it to your mum after school.

Tyler left the office and began walking around in the play-ground. Soon the bell would go and students would begin piling out. The first people he saw were his form. Coming towards him was Daniel and Amy, both his best friends. The first thing Amy did was punch his arm. "Why did you have to be so brutal" she exclaimed. On the other hand Daniel was impressed. "The nose bleeding and the winding perfect". Amy had hugged him. She was always so over-affectionate. "You know Roberts was an ex-Karate tutor". "So what, would've been up to a fight". She laughed. "Such an idiot". "Well I've got two-week suspension and one-week inner school stuff. So I actually don't mind". "What 'bout your mum". "Meh I can sweet talk her". They smiled. "Well I'm off. See ya later sucker. He spudded Daniel and Amy had hugged him again. She had the whispered something in his ear. He nodded and walked off.

He unlocked his bike and cycled home. Oh was he looking forward to his Mum shouting at him. He unlocked the door and walked in. "I'm home". "Get in here right now". He had guessed that his mother had already found out about his in-school incident. "You hit a member of staff. Two-week suspension". "I know and I'm sorry". "Sorry doesn't cut it. Have I raised so you can go and hit teachers. Silly boy". His mother huffed and got back to cooking. "Anyways, what do you want to eat"? He smiled. "Anything you can cook up. Maybe some lasagne". He walked up the stairs and went into his room. He turned his TV on and turned on his PS3. As he waited he checked his phone. He had messaged from both Amy and Daniel. He replied to Daniel first. The message said, "Coming round after school". He replied saying that he could come as his mum wouldn't mind. He then opened Amy's message. She was asking about what she had whispered in his ear. He replied saying "yes I'm sure. K". He then asked if she could come round. He got changed and picked his controller up. He would carry on playing FIFA.

After killing a few hours playing his PS3 he checked the time. 2:55. He decided to go to school and see if they could come straightaway. He ran downstairs. "Mum" he shouted. "Yes, what do you want Tyler"? "I'm picking Daniel and Amy up from school. Mind if I get them". "No, but be careful". "Sure thing Mum". He opened the door and closed it. He went round the corner and picked his bike up. He got on and cycled again to school.

When he arrived at the gatepeople were already piling out. He saw Amy and Daniel in the distance. As theywalked towards Daniel spoke. "You're such a lucky git". Tyler smiled. "We hadthe most boring lesson and you were sitting at home. Doing what". "FIFAobviously". Daniel smiled. "So can you guys come over"? Daniel replied first."Sure, your mum likes me over. She thinks I'm a good influence". "What aboutyou Amy". "I can come. Only I'm gonna go home, change and then come". "Perfectlet's go". 

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