What Am I Missing Here?

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I blinked my eyes, then flinched at the cold surface I was resting on. I couldn't remember what happened previously, so I looked around, hoping to jog my memory.

I attempted to sit up but quickly realized my hands were bound to whatever I was laying on. I tried my feet, even though I knew they were probably tied too. It was a failed attempt and I was now stuck.

The room was dark, so I couldn't see much, but I knew my phone was in my pocket, If I could reach that with my hand, then I could call the base. However, as I was attempting to grab my phone, the lights flickered on and I squinted, trying to adjust to the painful surge of brightness.

I didn't see anyone, mostly because all I could do was look up, But I heard footsteps approaching me. When I heard the footsteps stop, I felt someone right next to me. Then, I saw them when they hovered their head over my body.

The person had a creepy smile, but other than that, they seemed pretty normal looking. Light brown hair with a hint of blonde highlights, Brown eyes, they looked to be about twenty-five, and they were extremely muscular. After staring at me for an awkwardly long time, they finally spoke.

"Nice to see your finally awake, I was concerned that my partner had permanently injured you with that blow to the head." He said with a deep chuckle before moving over to the side again, where I couldn't see him.

"Where am I?"

"My lab." He replied nonchalantly while messing with a few metal tools, at least that's what it sounded like.

"Why am I here, I don't even know you."

"No, you don't, but you do know the person who's going to be assisting me."

"Where is my friend Levail, did you take him too?"

"No, we left him knocked out in the mall. We just needed you."

"But why? I don't understand who is looking for me, or why they want to hurt me."

"You will soon enough, but first I have to do a procedure on you."

"What kind of procedure?"

"I am going to make sure that if you get away, the spy's know how to find you. I'm going to brand you." Before I could argue I felt and an extremely hot piece of metal push against my skin on my shoulder, burning my skin in the process. A blood-curdling scream escaped my lips as I hoped it would relieve the pain, but it was no use.

When the metal was removed from my body, the pain was still present, but it was slowly fading away. Then, I heard a jumble of metal objects, assumingly keys, because they sounded as if they were grouped together. Then, the cuffs around my wrists and ankles were undone and I was told to get up.

My legs were a little numb from being elevated so long. I stumbled slightly upon touching the floor, but quickly regained my footing, just in time for someone to grab my arms and restrain me. The one on my right arm squeezed extremely tight... right where I had been "branded".

I tightened my face and clenched my teeth in pain, but they didn't care, they were just there to make sure I didn't get away.

I was led down a long hallway, well I was shoved down a long hallway, that seemed to go on forever. When the hallway ended, a room entrance was present and I was shortly pushed inside.

Inside, there was a section of elevated flooring, it was dark and very spacious, mostly because there was hardly anything in the room. When I was fully inside, I was shoved to the ground and the guards left, then locked the door. I looked around and didn't see anything except the elevated flooring and one chair in the corner.

I walked around trying to wake up my still sleeping legs and to see if I could find a way out of here. I remembered my phone that was in my pocket, but as I pulled it out, soon realized there was no service.

Great, I have no idea where I am. I finally got a date with my crush and it was... well... crushed. I am now branded by someone I don't know which means I'm never getting out of here. Levail and Ellie are probably worried sick, and the agency doesn't even know. There is literally no bright side to this and now I have no one.

As I was thinking about my miserable life, I heard the doorknob jiggle and then a thin strip of light revealed itself. A figure walked through the door and then closed it.

"Who's there?" My arms were restrained by handcuffs, but I was not afraid to attack someone if necessary.

"I'm supposed to take you to the man who sent for you." I suppose now was as good a time as any to die. I moved closer to the figure though I was hesitant to put my right arm in front, but it was my dominant arm so it was pointless to try. The figure's face was pointed towards the ground, which I found weird because most criminals wouldn't shy away from their prisoner. As I got closer, I realized that I recognized the figure.

"Levail? What are you-" I interrupted my question with my own thoughts. I realized that all this time Levail was working for the man who was trying to kill me. He looked up at me with a stone cold expression on his face. "All this time you were just trying to befriend me so you could bring me to my death."

"Hayleiah..." He said my name as if there was some hint of regret, but it disappeared almost instantly. "Let's go." He looked forward, now not even acknowledging that I existed. He shoved me out of the room and closed the door. I was taken down a path of twisting hallways, multiple entryways, and eventually a door. When I walked in, all I saw was a man standing in a shadow.

"Good job Levail, you may leave." I felt so betrayed that I was glad Levail left the room because I wanted to kill him. I looked at the man in the shadow and watched as he stepped out. I had a fixed glare at the man, waiting to see what he would do. "It's so nice to finally meet you in person... again. I've waited for this day for ten years."

"Who are you and why did you brainwash my friend?" I figured that was the only logical explanation as to why Levail dragged me to my death. Or at least that's what I told myself, hoping it was true. The man only laughed and stepped closer to me.

"I didn't brainwash him, he willingly did it. You see... Levail is my son."

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