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Laying Down The Law

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Sebastian Evans

I looked across the table at Grace with a smirk on my face, but it didn't intimidate her. Grace's expression didn't falter. The whole table was quietly holding their breath as they waited for her to speak.

"I think you're scared a girl might take your spot," she said sweetly.

Suddenly the whole lunchroom was silent, not just our small table. Everyone was watching with careful eyes. 

To my displeasure, Kent tried to hold back a smile and Matt outright smirked. I tried not to lose my cool as Kate tightened her grip around my arm. She was the reason for this whole situation—she just had to egg me on.

I took in a deep breath in an attempt to remain calm, and then I let out a small chuckle. "That thought never crossed my mind, sweetheart." Of course, that was a lie. It had crossed my mind the first time I saw her out on the ice. But I would never let her know that.

"You can pretend all you but, but everyone including your buddy Matt is thinking it."

"Come on, guys. Can't we all just eat lunch in peace?" Kent interjected, trying to simmer down the situation.

By now, everyone in the cafeteria was whispering to one another. They wanted a good show and I was going to give them one. With a confident smile, I turned back to Grace. "It's sad that you actually compare yourself to me."

Grace snorted. "I never compared myself to you. That would be degrading."

Kent groaned. "Seriously you two need to—"

"If you think you're better than me, you must have smacked your head on the ice one too many times. No one is better than me," I hissed. I was fully aware that all the starting hockey players were intently listening, but I didn't care. This girl wasn't going to insult me in front of the school.

Grace looked around the table as if she was waiting for one of the guys to object, not to support her but to defend their own honor. Her deep brown eyes darted between Drake and Jake, and then Kent and Matt.

She pursed her lips together in annoyance before flipping her hair over her shoulder in determination. I tried to concentrate on the fact that she was one of the most annoying females I had ever met, and not that fact that she was very attractive, something I found frustratingly distracting.

"It's sad you act all high and mighty. It's getting to your head."

Kate nodded her head in agreement and looked down at her nails like she hadn't just dissed me in front of everyone.

"It was never my intention to come here and stir up a bunch of drama, but I wasn't expecting someone as sexist as Sebastian as a team captain and, personally, I think his inability to accept me a hockey player is a flaw in his leadership skills. But it doesn't matter. I don't care if he likes me—I'm here to stay."

I wanted to explode. How dare she insult my leadership skills in front of the guys? I had been leading this team for the past two seasons. "It's bad enough seeing you in class and at hockey," I hissed. "I don't need to see you at lunch as well. Go find a different table."

She rolled her eyes. "Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine?" Grace grabbed her things and was about to stand up when both Kent and Caroline pulled her back down to the table.

"She can stay," Caroline said and gave me a look. "But let's all promise no more hockey talk, okay?" I could tell from the sternness in her voice that it wasn't really a question.

I wanted to object but Kate pulled me closer and planted a warm kiss on my lips. "Just ignore her, baby. It's not that big of a deal," she whispered into my ear.

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