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Chapter 35

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Ironwind Stronghold slowly came into view. For two weeks, I had been impatiently waiting for us to arrive at this destination to make sure the humans arrived alive, check if my sister was here or at one of the Strongholds with a radio tower, and continue on. Now, I wasn't sure what was preferable – riding in a bouncing, jolting truck or going inside a Stronghold packed to the brim with humans.

The tall chain-link fence surrounded the complex of buildings. It was at least four times my height and supported by telephone posts. There were a couple of smaller access doors scattered across its length. I could see several larger entrances for vehicles, all of which had guard posts above them.

I still wasn't entirely sure I wanted to go inside, and I eyed up the tree line beside the road wistfully.

Nina noticed my preoccupation. "Having second thoughts?"

"I think it's closer to fifth and sixth thoughts at this point," I muttered.

"Please give it a try. No one recovers from five bullet wounds in a couple of days. If it gets too bad, let us know, and we can set up a tent or move a small shed into the forest."

I didn't reply. Several hundred humans and two zombies all crammed inside one fence? This is a surefire recipe for trouble.

Hank slowed down as we approached the gate, and as we got closer, several guards pushed the doors open. I saw several guns and other weapons present.

When we stopped at the entrance, a man standing on the ground grinned at Daniel and Nina while glancing at the rest of us. "You made it back. We were beginning to wonder what happened. Who are your friends?"

"We had more than our fair share of vehicle problems and a bridge washed out," Nina replied. "We came across this group on our way back."

He nodded and waved the truck in, telling Hank, "Welcome to Ironwind Stronghold. Go on in, take your second left, and then the first right."

Hank drove the truck ahead as I watched the gate close behind us with an ominous bang. Daniel and Nina glanced at me, but I didn't bother removing my slightly irritable expression as I watched dozens of people going about their various tasks.

I took a deep breath and wrinkled my nose at the smell of so many humans. Clamping down on my bloodlust, I dug through the scents as we drove down the street, but no hint of my sister was to be found. Considering Nina and Daniel originated from this place, it was a foregone conclusion, but that small spark of hope made me check every Stronghold.

Hank pulled up in front of the building and parked in the spot Nina pointed out. As he shut the vehicle off, a man approached the truck.

"Hello, Nina," the man said with a welcoming smile. "Are these people joining Ironwind?"

"Most of them, yes." Nina proceeded to introduce everyone, leaving me for last. "This is Trinity. She's just staying until she heals. She's a Nightstalker, so don't be surprised if you see her going outside the fence on a regular basis."

The man looked at me in surprise, but he wasn't scared. "I can help the others unpack and show them the ropes, although most of it won't apply to a temporary guest."

"I'll give her a quick tour. She'll probably stay in the secondary building since it's smaller and has fewer people in it."

He nodded and turned to the rest of the group, who were already climbing out of the truck. As he guided them away, Chloe happily trotted after Ben, who still had her bone. My eyes lingered on the brown husky as I realized so many days spent with a handful of friendly humans had expanded her 'family'.

The Virus Within: The Road Ahead (Book 1 - SERIES COMPLETED!)Where stories live. Discover now