Part of the Family

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Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me through all three novels. I hope this one doesn't disappoint.


 Dad ran after Ava. She had opened the front door, and his hand shot out. He slammed the door shut, and she tried to open the door again. It didn't open, because Dad's hand was on the door. She tried to slip under his arm, but Dad shot his hand down and wrapped his arms around her. Ava fought against his grip. She screamed out, and it echoed through the house.

"Julie, bring me the key and the needle," he ordered Mom.

She nodded her head and ran up the stairs. I grabbed Dad's arm to try and pry them off of Ava. He was much larger than me, so my attempts were almost futile. Ava grabbed my arm, and was clinging to me. Mom ran down the stairs, and her one hand was full. She grabbed my other arm and tried to pull me away from Dad.

"Hunter, let go," she shouted. I kept trying to yank Ava away.

"Julie, just do it now," Dad said.

Mom uncapped one of the syringes in her hands, and quickly plunged it into Ava's arm. Ava yelped and tried to pull the needle out. Mom let it drop to the floor, and she uncapped the second needle. I let go of Ava to knock the syringe out of Mom's hands. With one quick motion she grabbed my hand and pulled my arm forward.

I remember when Mom was in school talking about trying to draw blood from children, and how much they squirmed. With ease, she was able to inject me as I fought against her.

Once she was done, I looked over at Dad. Ava was struggling to keep her eyes open. Dad let go of her and she fell onto the ground. Mom let go of me and I ran over to her. I got down on my knees and leaned over her. Her eyes were closed, but she was still curling her fingers in and out. I grabbed her shoulders and gave her a shake. My eyes started to feel heavy, and my muscles ached even worse.

"Ava, wake up!" I yelled at her. Her eyes barely opened, and then she reached her hand out to touch my swollen face.

Mom and Dad were by the stairs. They were whispering to each other, and not looking over at us. I slipped my arms under Ava's back, and tried to pull her up, so that I could get us out of the house. I barely got Ava off of the ground before my body gave out. I dropped Ava onto the ground and fell down beside her.

I turned my head to the side to see Ava was knocked out. I fought to keep my eyes open. I tried to stand up, but it took all the strength I had to roll over onto my side. Mom ran up to me and got onto her knees. My vision was beginning to get blurry. Mom reached out and ran her fingers through my dark curls.

"Hunter," she said. Her voice sounded soft, and like it was so far away. "Hunter, I love you."

Dad grabbed Mom's arm and pulled her up onto her feet and away from me. I could not keep my eyes open any longer.


The muscles in my neck ached. My nose continued to throb. I struggled to keep open up my eye. I raised my head up to see that I was down in the basement. Ava was sitting across from me. She was in one of the dining room chairs. Her arms were tied behind the back of the chair, and her legs were tied to the legs of the chair. She had a rag tied over her mouth gagging her. I looked down to see that I was tied to the chair in the same way. I opened my mouth and took in a deep breath. I wasn't gagged like she was.

Ava's eyes grew wider when she saw me awake. She pulled against the ropes, and she tried to scream out against the gag.

"I'm sorry," I said. My voice came out hoarse. "I don't know what's happening."

Ava blinked, and the tears were beginning to roll down her cheeks. Her pale skin was turning red. I wanted to reach out, and hug her.

"Ava, calm down," I told her.

She said something, but it came out as a whine. She arched her back as she tried to push her back off of the chair. She shook her head, and the hair was falling out from her braids.

The basement filled with light when the door on the top of the stairs opened. The stairs creaked, and I saw Dad walking down. He closed the door behind himself, and flicked on the lights. Ava started to scream louder when she saw Dad walk around her.

"What the hell is going on?" I said.

"Hunter, you know better than to swear," he said. "I'll let that one go this time without a punishment."

"Untie us," I said. "You can't do this."

Dad pulled out a chair and sat to the side so that he was in between us.

"Hunter, this is my family," he said. "I can do whatever I want."

"That's not how this works," I said.

"You will understand it when you're the head of this family one day," he told me. "Hunter, it was my job to teach you about our family's tradition and history. Me being in prison for the last sixteen years has ruined my opportunity to properly raise you."

Ava shook her head, and continued to try to twist her body off of the chair.

"Sweetheart, calm down," Dad said to her. "There's nothing to be scared of. We're not going to hurt you."

"Dad, let her go," I said.

He leaned forward and rested his elbows against his knees.

"She's your girl, Hunter," he said. "She's a part of our family now."

"This is sick," I said.

"Don't be disrespectful," Dad said. "The world that your mother raised you in is a cruel one. You don't realize that yet, Hunter. We're just trying to protect you. Look how hurt you got today. We're trying to keep you safe."

"Mom won't let you do this," I said.

"Your mother loves this family," he said. "She wants us all to be safe. I'm going to have to spend a lot of time teaching you everything you need to know. My cousin is driving down now. He's going to help me with you two."

Dad got up off of the chair and walked over to Ava. She cowered against her chair, and was shaking her head. Dad reached out and ripped the cloth off of her mouth. Ava took in a deep breath.

"Please," she cried. "Please, let me go. I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"Ava." Dad placed his hand on top of her head. "This is where you belong. You don't have to worry. We are going to take care of you."

Dad turned around and started walking toward the stairs. He stopped and turned around.

"Your mother and I are going out to the store," he said. "Neither of you can fall asleep. If you fall asleep there will be consequences."

He walked up the stairs, and slammed the door behind him. 

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