Chapter 13

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The drive is eerily silent as he speeds down the pretty much deserted roads to heaven knows where. Not that I want him to say anything to me but in a situation where Mr Holt is mad, I think him yelling and cursing at you is much more preferable over this dead silence that I'm getting right now.

The in-car phone begins to ring, I am about to offer that I press the answer button for him but my mouth shuts immediately when he pushes the button himself, probably applying more strength than necessary.

"What is it?" He snaps sharply, making me gasp.

"It's ready Mr Holt. Suite 2456," a man's voice reports calmly, almost as if Mr Holt's foul mood is something he's used to. "Is there anything else I can help you with tonight, sir?"

"That's all Devon," He replies bluntly, hanging up before the guy called Devon can reply to his words.

The silence in the car reissues and it's even heavier than it was before the phone call. Taking a deep breath, I turn my body sideways so that I'm somewhat facing him.

"Do I at least get to know where you're taking me, Mr Holt?" I murmur shakily, watching his cold, emotionless face for any sort of response and when there's none. I lean back into my seat. "Okay...I guess I can't know where you're taking me on such short notice..."

"How much of my conversation did you hear, Ms Summers?" He asks ignoring my question as he pulls over at a red light.

"All I heard was you telling someone to not 'let the little shit get away'," I mumble honestly, omitting the part where he mentioned Danny and me to the person he was on the phone with. "I swear, I didn't mean to pry but you were pretty loud so you can't blame me for being curious."

"Who said I'm blaming you for being curious?" He replies softly, hitting the gas once more as the light turns green. "I'm meeting some people later. I can't be sure how much of my conversation you heard so you're coming with me."

Crossing my arms, I cast my gaze out the window grumbling, "Well, you could have just said that instead of carrying me on your shoulder and dumping me in your car. It would have taken less time and energy on both our parts."

"You ran away," He counters pointedly, catching him glancing over to me in the reflection of the window. "You made me give chase to you before I could even speak."

Pushing a strand of hair behind my ear, I huff, "Well, don't look so scary then. You don't even have to open your mouth to intimidate someone."

Steering us into the driveway of the Fairmount Hotel. My eyes widen in awe of the magnificent beauty that is this hotel. The classy exterior chills me to the bone as it reminds me that Mr Holt is truly from a different world. Stepping out of the car, I feel extremely out of place in my shabby night clothes.

Mr Holt gently steers me into the hotel, retrieving a key card from a lady who is already waiting for him at the doors, his hold is more gentle than what I expect as he pushes me to the bank of elevators in the lobby.

Fishing out a room card, he scans it and presses for the 24th floor. The ride is silent and the second the door opens he directs me down the beautiful carpeted hallway into a suite near the end. His hand leaves my back once we enter the room, while I stand awkwardly in the foyer of the room, Mr Holt turns all the locks at the door and slides the deadlock into place behind me.

"The bedroom is to your left, there should be a nightdress for you in there," He says, as he turns to adjust the thermostat. "Change into it and wait for me in the bedroom. I'll explain everything shortly."

Jumping at his instructions, I wander like a lost puppy further into the 'room', coming to the bed he mentioned earlier and like he said there is a pink, white laced nightgown laid on the foot of the bead with a pair of matching lace underwear. are we going to listen to his instructions without questioning him? My subconscious asks with her fists on her hips as she glares at me pointedly. Where the heck was she like half an hour ago when Mr Holt was dragging me into his car?

Rolling my eyes, I push her away as I pull my T-shirt over my head to wear the night dress. My subconscious screams with laughter as I look at myself in the mirror because the dress only has two thin spaghetti straps to hold up the thing, you can see the marks on my back which is something that's a huge no-no for me.

Grabbing my T-shirt, I pull it over my head again with the hem of it stopping just about three fingers away from the edge of the nightgown under it. The light cream ruffles of the gown's hem peek out under my shirt which gives me a mini skirt kind of look.

The sudden sound of a nail gun going off somewhere nearby makes me jump out of my skin. My shock, however, is quickly replaced by curiosity and though I feel very self-conscious about being so skimpily dressed, I head out into the main 'room' to investigate the sound.

Moving from behind a doorway that leads to another part of the 'room', I feel the backs of my knees turn to jelly as I realise that Mr Holt and I aren't the only ones here. Four unknown men dressed in formal black suits have their backs to me as they discuss something with Mr Holt who is the only man seated on a couch in front of a low coffee table dressed casually in sleepwear.

Low groans of pain send chills down my spine but it doesn't seem to affect Mr Holt as he holds up a thin stack of papers, talking casually to the man to his left who nods in agreement to whatever Mr Holt is saying. How is he so calm? Does he not hear the groaning? Who are these people?

My unasked questions are soon answered when I hear an unseen man's voice imploring for some mercy and to my greatest horror...a slender black, semi-automatic revolver appears in Mr Holt's hand as he stands; pointing the gun to whatever space there is in front of him. Another two of the same nailgun-like sounds from before sound once more making a scream of horror tear its way from my throat.

The sound of my scream has the shoulders of all the men present tense up, slowly rearing their heads back to look at me, I feel my heart skip a beat when my eyes meet the cold, emotionless grey eyes of Mr Holt and make things worse; I recognise the previously 'unknown' four men.

Making a run for the door that leads out into the hallway before any of them can say or try to explain anything. Footsteps pound heavily on the carpeted floor of the winding hallways of the hotel floor as someone runs desperately after me.

My brothers, Lucas, James and Logan were there! There is no way in heck I'd ever mistaken them for anyone else. It was them! Mr King was there too!

Coming to a dead-end, I hear the heavy footsteps pound to a stop right behind me, turning around to face the person. Tears of fear well up in my eyes when I see that it's none other than Mr Holt who chased after me.

With the first of my tears trickle down my cheek, my body trembles like the last leaf on a tree in autumn, I whimper like an abused puppy as he takes a step towards me, pressing myself into the wall behind me desperately to be as far away as possible from him in this tight space.

"Sta-stay away from me," I whisper, eyeing him fearfully, eyeing the gun in his hand cautiously.

Please...please don't kill me...

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