Chapter 11: Geography

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When the geography teacher, Lady Nancy of the Earl House DeVries walked in as Ms. DeVries (my literature teacher) walked out the door, it gave me quite a shock. I thought my eyes were playing me until she introduced herself.

"Hello there, Princess Liliane. How do you do? As the guard had kindly introduced me, my name is Nancy DeVries. My younger twin sister should be your literature teacher. Since it must be a bit weird to call to women by the same name, you can just call me Ms. Nancy or Ms. C. Whichever you prefer; anything goes. How was her class? Must of been a bit boring right? Shakespeare does have a tendency to make others fall asleep of the younger generation nowadays. Hopefully she won't bore you to death! That would be quite bad for our family. Hahahahaha."

I just learned that my teacher is a chatterbox of a woman, and she just loves to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. I don't think I mind it though. Makes the class a but more fun. As the lesson actually begins, Ms. Nancy pulls down a map from the blackboard and starts to explain the main countries of the world. The map is basically the same as earth's world map the more I look at it. Of course, there are a few differences here and there, but it's more or less the identical. 

"Now, to start broadly, we live on this planet called Eithril. It is in a spherical shape, covered in land and water. There are six main territories in this world. Our beautiful and beloved home is right here, in the centre of the map."

Ms. Nancy points to where Europe might have been. 

"To our East, we have the military-strong Aquamerria. Below, we have Licht, and to our South-West, we have the trade-abundant Cornerius Empire. Right above the empire, we have the Fairy Kingdom. Above that, we have the Demon Continent. Are you aware of the current situations of these last three places I've mentioned?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"You see, Licht is a heavily Church-influenced continent. In their Church, their religion, they call the Fairy Kingdom "The Land of God's Retainers". But since it is so extreme, the relationship between Licht and the Fairy Kingdom is in a very fragile state. The Fairy Kingdom is where all fairies are born. It's a very sacred place, where basically nobody can set foot in. It's been a rule since...the beginning of time. Due to that, no one has ever seen a fairy in  person, nor seen what their home appears to be. But recently, the people of Licht have been trying to infiltrate there. The reason is unknown, but the fairies aren't very pleased. However, on the other hand, the Demon Continent is quite peaceful as opposed from their name. The demon continent and the other countries have a peace treaty, thanks to the new Demon Lord that was born 500 years ago. She wished for peace and the other rulers complied."

I nod along, cross-referencing the information I have from the game. Right now, all countries are mostly at peace. But in the sequel, the demon continent is set to attack. I don't know why, or how that will come to be, but I'll need to be prepared for it. 

It's a problem, since demons are to be said as 10X stronger than normal men, and all can use at least CI rank magic. If we all went to war with them, we would be obliterated. I would also add to my plan to keep a good relationship with the Demon Lord. (If I ever go into contact with her).

As I ponder over these thoughts, the lesson calmly continued without incident for the next hour.

A/N: Hey guys! Last chapter for the studies arc, were moving on! Whoo hoo! I think there's a time skip in the next chapter, so look forward to it!



Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

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