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Chapter One

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Dad held his hands at the bottom of the large steering wheel. He dodged potholes with no problem and pulled over to the side of the road. This allowed other vehicles to get by us because that's how it was in this town: roads fit for one vehicle but used frequently from both directions. Eventually, he pulled up beside a wall. The four-foot, grey stone barricaded the road from the house. The noise of the stuff at the back of the vehicle stopped once he turned off the engine. We didn't do anything, not so much as move to get out of the van like we couldn't believe this was how our day was going.

"Okay, I'm willing to compromise," I eventually said, breaking the silence.

"Emma, we are at her doorstep. I think it's a little late to compromise."

"It's not. Hear me out."

"It is too late, kiddo."

"I'm willing to spend two weeks of summer with her."

"Emma," he sighed out.

"Two weeks is a significant amount of time." I shuffled away from the middle seat, so I leaned my back against the window of the door. I prodded his leg with my shoe, making him turn around in his seat to look at me. His face held reluctance and I knew he didn't want to drop me off as much as I didn't want to be dropped off here. "Dad, two weeks with you? That's like blinking. Two weeks with her? Just the idea of blinking hurts. That's constant arguing, possibly crying-angry tears, of course, slamming doors, endless cursing..."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Since when do you slam doors?"

I gave him a pointed look. "I don't."

He blinked continuously until it registered. Evidently, he looked torn and mumbled to himself, "This was the arrangement Em. If we don't go with it..."

I shrugged. "I turn eighteen near the end of summer. I'll be legally an adult. She can't request access to me."

He chewed on his lower lip. "Think of it this way, kiddo, one more summer with her and then..."

My fingers drummed against my knee. "Then?"

"Then, you're an adult. I can't tell you what to do. Your mom can't tell you what to do. But I sure as hell don't want you vanishing into thin air when that happens. You hear?"

"This isn't a compromise in the least."

"Well, that's all I got."

"If you say so."

He glanced at me, wearing a small, enquiring smile. "Are you being stroppy because you're leaving someone important behind?"

I nearly choked on my own laughter. "Nope. Did you know that depression can and will deter people from interacting with you? Not even a moment is given by bullies. The lack of... reaction freaks them out. A bully deterrent."

Night Owls and Summer Skies [Formerly Camp Mapplewood]Where stories live. Discover now