Chapter 21

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It was dark already, I had barely even noticed. We were looking for where to camp for the night. Jonathan and Vulcan were taking wood to make a fire while Damon was making a tent that he brought, we had been using sleeping bags previously so this seemed a bit better. When he was done with the tent and they were done with making a fire. We stayed outside for a while making sleeping arrangements.

Vulcan was watching out for any thing or person while Sam volunteered to join him, Jonathan suggested he slept outside the tent, I knew he was just doing that cause he wanted both of us to be together and also the tent could fit at least for grown people. So they went about their duties while Damon and I went to the tent. I found it pretty awkward though, Damon took off his shirt and laid down, have I mentioned that he has a good body, like absolutely lovely, amazing body. His muscles were defined and his abs they were totally drool worthy.

" Take a picture babe, it lasts longer" he said smirking then winked. I didn't even notice I was totally staring.

" Of all things to take a picture of, your abs? You gotta be kidding me. " I said rolling my eyes while laughing

" I understand your point babe. You'd rather have the real thing rather than a copy, I don't mind, you can look all you want, it's all yours. " he said winking and I laughed.

" Don't flatter yourself too much. I don't think I'd be staring at your body anytime soon. " I said then laid on the bed turning away from him but he pulled me to face him then placed his arms around me pulling me closer to him so that my face was pressed against his bare chest and his hand was around my waist.

" Go to sleep Lee, you need to rest. " he said stroking my hair and for the first time in a while, there was a little smile on my face when I slept.

My smile wasn't there when I woke up the next morning. Damon wasn't with me and I felt a little disappointed, I had expected him to be there and maybe give me a good morning kiss. I sighed and got out of the tent. Jonathan was still sleeping but Vulcan and Sam were wide awake but I couldn't find Damon, he couldn't have left me could he?

" How was your night? " Jonathan said, I didn't even notice he was awake until he talked. The way he asked the question suggested he was insinuating about something else.

" It was good. " I answered

" Obviously it would be good, it has been a long time since you slept with lover boy. "

" Please don't start this morning Jonathan. " I said walking away from him.

" When do we leave Sam ?" I asked and he replied telling me when I was ready.

" There's a lake down, you can go take your bath there? " Vulcan said

" Okay, I said, Sam put on an enchanted necklace around my neck. No one would be able to see me when I'm naked and I doubt anyone would go near the lake anyway, I just wore it incase I got attacked, I don't want the wolves or anything to be looking at my naked body, the thought just made me shudder. I walked into the lake after stripping off enjoying the cold water when I heard a sound behind me, I turned startled to find Damon there, I was totally surprised, I thought it was someone else and he had left.

" Morning sweetheart. " he greeted pulling me closer to him. We were both naked and I totally wasn't expecting him to do that, the sparks it created was pleasurable.

" I thought you left. " I said and he laughed

" So you think I'd leave you especially after coming this far ?" he asked then smirked. " I didn't think I'd see you naked so soon babe, I'm glad that I came. "

" can see me naked? " I asked stuttering

" Ofcourse. " he answered with a smirk. I suddenly became extremely self conscious. He had seen me naked and could still see my boobs, I quickly covered my boobs with my hands and he laughed.

" Seriously, after I've seen it all? I'm bound to see it anyway. "

" Turn around. " I said sternly still covering my body.

" Don't worry I'm leaving, I don't think I would be able to keep my hands to myself ." he said winking then walked out, his butt in view.

Immediately he was out of earshot I let out a frustrated scream, maybe the charm doesn't work on my mate or what if it doesn't work at all. After I finished I wore a fresh set of clothes that I had kept on a rock along side my beanie and went to Sam to ask for answers. When I got there he was talking to Jonathan while Vulcan was sitting on a very high tree and Damon was just on his own, he smirked when he saw me and it made me remember all over again causing me to pull him out of there to the lake.

" The charm didn't work, Damon could see me." I said

" It must be because he's your mate. " he said and I looked at him suspiciously

" Strip off and wear the necklace then. " I said and he laughed

" You really want me to do that? " he asked laughing.

" Yep, right now. " I said and he began to take off his clothes and just before he took off his boxers I gave him the necklace and I couldn't see anything. So it's because he was my mate then. I waited for him to dress up then apologised but I suddenly remembered something.

" There's something I want to ask you. " I said

" OK, what's it about? "

" When Damon saved me yesterday, I saw something when he looked at me like a memory or something, there was a small white wolf and a wolf the colour of Damon's stood infront of it. What do you think it means, was it a memory? "

" I don't know anything about it. " he said but the way he said it made me question him. I was going to dismiss it before but now I felt like he was hiding something from me.

" Tell me about it Sam. " I urged

" Tell you what? " Damon asked walking in

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