A Note on Negatives

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In English, we say that we "did not" do something in the negative. In the positive, we say that we "did" do something, though that verb is often omitted. But the syntax is slightly different in Spanish.

To write the negative in Spanish, you simply put "no" before the verb. For example:

No soy una cristiana. I am not a Christian.

Notice how the verb hacer (to do, to make) is nowhere to be found here. The only time you use hacer is when that is the only action you are associating the word do with. For example:

Yo hago bien en escuela. I do well in school.

Yo hago una pastel. I make a cake.

I made a scarf for a friend of mine at school who only speaks Spanish. When I presented it to her I said, Hice esto para ti. (I made this for you.)

Language Bites, Volume I: Spanish ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang