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I was gasping with relief, though I wasn’t sure if I should be. All I knew was that I had almost had pieces carved out of my flesh and now I was alone. Though it didn’t feel particularly safe being shackled and naked from the waist up, I was relieved not to be in any immediate danger that I could tell. I waited maybe a couple of seconds before I started struggling to get out of the shackles with new determination. Of course, after pulling enough, all I felt was an increasing pang of agony through my wrists and the feel of wet blood seeping down my arms. It was clear that I was not going to be getting out of these things myself.

My sense of relief was promptly squandered when the doors to my torture chamber were slammed opened viciously and the demonic girl who had already cut my face stormed into the room. The man followed closely behind her, obviously annoyed by something… probably me. Perhaps he thought I actually did know things and was bringing her in to get me to talk. It was an effective maneuver; I couldn’t tell which one I was terrified of more.

She didn’t even stop to threaten me, but merely twisted me painfully around to look at my back. I gasped in the pain that shot down my wrists and then the pain in my scalp that followed when she yanked my hair to the side.

“It’s a trick, obviously. They must have tattooed it on her,” The girl hissed in disbelief.

“She said it’s a birth mark,” The man responded with frustration.

“She’s a Monet, the only mark they’re born with is on their brain which results in every word they say being lies,” The girl tugged on my hair in order to further hurt me. I cried out and whimpered. “There’s no mystery here, she’s his fucking daughter, flesh and blood. Either you kill her or I will.”

There was a thick silence which was only filled by my pained breath. I prayed and prayed for them to let me go, to not kill me. If ever I was killed, I never wanted it to be because of something my father did. And definitely not by supernatural demons.

“We’ll wait for Darsana,” the male demon finally stated. I held my breath, feeling a twinge of hope at the word ‘wait’. Waiting meant time, and time meant possible escaping. Then I felt the strangest sensation of claws swiping across my back, followed by deep agonizing pain shooting through my body. I only choked on my breath for a moment before I finally swallowed in air and screamed.

I didn’t hear the sudden commotion behind me. I only felt the pulsing pain across my back, met with wet blood dripping down my legs. I lost strength in my legs from the shock, letting my body hang from my bleeding wrists, and sobbed when I could finally stifle the screams in my throat.

“I said we wait, Corentine,” I heard a monstrous roar declare behind me. “Get the Monet girl out of here.”

“She killed my mate!” The girl demon scream fading in the distance, “I will fucking kill her. I will kill all of them!” I cried out when hands gripped my arms and lifted me up, undoing the shackles around my wrists. I felt a wave of dizziness hit me as I was dropped onto the ground roughly.

“Where does he want us to take her?” I heard from above me.

“I don’t know but I don’t want her blood on me unless I’m allowed to kill her,” a voice stated in disgust. I turned my face away, pressing into the ground in hopes that the floor would swallow me. There was a sudden noise of distaste before I felt someone’s hands reach under me swiftly. I whimpered at the aching pain across my body as I was lifted from the ground bridal style. I weakly moved to cover my breasts but doubted I did a good job and opted to press my face into the stranger’s chest with eyes firmly closed.

“It’s just a little blood, boys,” The unfamiliar voice said with a note of humor before carrying me out of the room from Hell and up the stairs. I refused to open my eyes, afraid of more pain and humiliation, as I was whisked away to God knows where. After a moment, the man carrying me opened a door, moving through it before I heard it thud behind us. Then I felt the soft reassurance of silk as he lowered me onto what undoubtedly was a bed.

Struck (A Vampire Novel) ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang