Chapter 28: Finn

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A miracle is taking place on the Green. The entire camp is lined up on the grass, but no fights have been started, no makeshift shivs put to use, no insults hurled back and forth over enemy lines. The only camper to earn a mark is Matt, and that's because he was stupid enough to make a dirty joke when Maria was in earshot. Bitter grudges have, for the moment, been put to rest. I even catch a few people grinning

For the first time since Initiation, camp doesn't feel entirely awful.

Everyone has been in a good mood since breakfast, when the Director announced that due to our good behavior for the past week, today will be a Game Day. Her voice was as flat as a slashed car tire as she spoke through Karen's megaphone, as if the thought of us actually enjoying our summer was physically painful. 

The rest of the camp was ecstatic. Game Day means getting a break from regulated activities, an earlier lunch, and— of course— games. The counselors refused to comment on what the games will be, which only added to the anticipation. 

Nowhere to go but up, I think, tilting my chin back to breathe in the clear air. The weather's week-long tantrum of rain and fog has finally ended, mellowing into a bright, sunny day in the balmy mid-sixties. I watch the breeze sweep across the meadow, tracing whirling circles in the dewy grass. 

A couple of yards away, Becca flicks one of her braids back over her shoulder, blinking into the sun. There are crimson roses embroidered on the pockets of her jean shorts.

Something twinges inside my gut, and I look away. Maybe Ronan is right— maybe I do think about Becca too much. I wish I knew how to stop. All of these feelings are getting inconvenient. 

Owen steps forward. "Who's ready for a game of Capture the Flag?"

The camp erupts into cheers. After weeks of tense silences and pent-up emotions, it feels good to let some of it out. 

Becca catches my eye and grins at me. She points a finger at me, and then back at herself— you, me, a team? I bob my head up and down eagerly, until I remember Ronan's words and try to nod like I could care less. 

Owen hashes out the rules efficiently, (although I can't imagine anybody here not knowing how to play Capture the Flag), and then we're counted off into teams. I get sorted into a solid group with Becca, Levi, and Tima. My heart sinks as I see Clancey, Ronan, and Matt getting shunted off onto the opposite team. 

Clancey mimes slitting his throat at me— or maybe Becca, I can't tell— and mouths something along the lines of "you're going down". Both Becca and I respond with a vulgar gesture that only increases the wattage of his blindingly white smile.

One of the counselors— Maria, I think— hands me the flag; a place-mat sized piece of blue fabric tied to a three-foot-long stick. I pass it off to Becca, who's been unanimously voted in as the group leader. Ever since she kicked over that chair in Sharing Circle, the rest of the campers have been drawn to her like moths to a flame. 

On the other side of the field, a similar flag is being gifted to the red team. I'm slightly surprised to see Clancey accept the flag— I would've picked Ronan as their leader, but maybe he decided to sit this one out. Steering clear is probably a wise decision. Picking fights with Clancey has the same risk-factor as lighting matches next to a kerosene tank.

"Okay everyone, listen up," Karen shouts through her megaphone. "The rules are simple. The red team owns the woods to the right of Boulder Creek, and the blue team owns the woods to the left. You can pick where to hide the flag, but it has to be visible and accessible. I know you all think you're pretty clever, but trust me, you won't be the first campers to hide a flag up a tree."

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