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Author's Note:
Since I don't want anyone to hate me, I'm giving you guys a choice here...

If you want the happier ending, then stick with stopping at chapter 34.
If you want to see the true ending, then continue reading the epilogue :)

Snow falls down from the grey sky. The sun is absent, smothered by heavy, electrified clouds. Each white flake dissolves upon hitting the ground, soaking into the rain puddles that had come hours before.

In the mud that was created, rogues still fight Visarian wolves— the few of them that are left. Amidst a clearing in the street of the tribal village, a girl is on her knees. Her clothes are sodden with rain, sweat, and blood. Her hair is just the same. Various shades of blonde strands hang limply around her face and shoulders.

She holds her hands up, palms facing the stormy sky as she stares at them. Not at them, but rather what's on them. Her hands are wet, stained with the crimson essence that came from the body laying in front of her. The body is a boy's, only one year older than the girl.

They were raised together. They were trained like Alphas together. They shared the same father until that father had to choose one of them, and he chose the one he had made.

Now that one lies dead, his blood on the other's hands.

Gage. That was the name written in marker on the palm of an abandoned baby. Now here she is, a baby no longer.

"Adrienne!" The girl's head snaps up at the sound of her name. Another girl is running towards her, tight brown curls bouncing on her head as she does.


Aimee drops to the ground beside Adrienne, crushing her in a forced hug. It's been well over a year since she last saw her best friend. Last winter, when the tyrant paid visit to their pack.

Now it's winter again, and so much has changed.

"I told them not to hurt you," Adrienne breathes into her friend's shoulder. Aimee only hugs her tighter.

"They didn't. I may have broke one's nose, but it's all good," she smiles, trying to lighten the grave situation. Her smile quickly falls when she acknowledges the body.

"So the narcissist is finally dead. What were his last words?"

"My father won't forget this. He'll do worse than lock you up," Adrienne recites, recalling the words from only moments ago.

Aimee snorts. "Even in the face of death he expected his daddy to solve his problems. Speaking of which, Alpha Andre... he ran."

Adrienne's slumping shoulders are suddenly pulled up straight. "He ran? That fucking cowardly bastard ran?" Her fists ball in her lap, claws extending. She chuckles bitterly, lividly, "I hope the wild rips him apart."

She senses a presence approaching. When she turns to find it, her eyes land on the very tyrant that made this all possible. He taught her what freedom is. Freedom beyond the gratefulness for the downtime between punishments.

Aimee grins in the satisfied way she always used to when she was proven right and Adrienne wrong. "What was it I said?" She feigns ignorance, flaunting her victory for all it's worth, "That Adrienne Gage would find somebody attractive one day?"

"Who says I find him attractive?" Adrienne asks, failing to hide her smile.

"Yeah okay," Aimee says as she stands back up, "I'll leave you two alone then. Come find me later." With an ornery smirk plastered on her face, she turns on her heel and goes.

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