Chapter twenty- Three :Coronation day part 2

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Chapter song: Christina Aguilera - Fall in line (ft Demi Lovato)

Little girls
Listen closely
'Cause no one told me
But you deserve to know
That in this world
You are not beholden
You do not owe them
Your body and your soul

All the youth in the world will not save you from growing older, and
All the truth in a girl is too precious to be stolen from her

[Christina Aguilera & Demi Lovato:]
It's just the way it is
And maybe it's never gonna change
But I got a mind to show my strength
And I got a right to speak my mind
And I'm gonna pay for this
They're gonna burn me at the stake
But I got a fire in my veins
I wasn't made to fall in line

Lisa Vanderpump's POV

I can't do this. As soon as Jacob and my mom disappeared into the ball room my confidence disappeared with them.

I'm so not queen material. I'm definitely not anything material. All I'm good at is cleaning and getting beaten. I'm so stupid why would i think i could do this.

Introducing Lady Annalisa Dorit Vanderpump

Oh my word, I'm gonna faint, I'm so gonna faint.

Just breathe and walk Damien's soothing voice fills my entire body with warmth.

I do as Damien says i breath and walk. As i walk through the crowd everyone starts bowing. I smirk when i see Mason, Jason, Vannessa, Alicia and Zelena bowing.

Yes bitches make way for the queen.  Lisa barks in my head. I make it to the front and Damien takes my hand and helps me get on my knees on the steps.

Shirley stands up from the throne and begins talking.

"For generations to generations this crown has been passed down to phenomenonal women who have helped the Romanov men lead our kind to greatness. I am of no royal blood and neither is my husband, when my sister and the late King Arthur Scott Damien" Shirley begins her speech and everyone says

"May the King Arthur Scott Romanov rest in peace"

"We had to take over until Damien was of age. Now my little Damien found his mate and I can pass on the Queens crown to her." Shirley continues  and removes the crown of her head.

"Annalisa Dorit Vanderpump do you solely swear that you will rule with dignity and fairness as long as you shall reign" Shirley asks.

"I do solely swear" I answer and she puts the crown on my head.

"Ladies and gentlemen i present to you Her majesty Queen Annalisa Romanov the first"

I stand up and everyone chants.

"Long live Queen Annalisa"

I walk to Damien and he whispers " Your majesty" I chuckle as i curtsy. "Your highness"
I whisper back to him.

"Your majesties sorry to disturb you, but we have a problem" A guard says.

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