Chapter One

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(Oi, follow me on insta = Swloxie, if you want writing tips and stuff I respond fast)

There was a knock on the door to my house. I knew who it was before I left my room on the upstairs floor. The smell of the Alpha flooded my nose, it made my cells tingle in submission. I got off my bed and turned to take one last look at my room.

The wooden room was now stripped bare, nothing but a clean white sheet rested on the tidy bed. The drawers that once contained my clothes were now gutted. I reached down, my pale hand grasping a strap of the backpack that rested near the door.

The backpack was a dark green color, it was filled to the brim with all my clothes and living utilities. It was made with many pockets on the outside which was held together by leather buckles.

I shrugged the pack onto my shoulders. Sighing to myself as I opened the door and stepped out of the room. It took me a lot longer than planned to close that door behind me.

I closed the door and started walking to the wooden stairs. As I walked down the first step, I looked back at my oak door, now closed. I was only a few feet away from it, though it felt like it was a lifetime away.

I tore my eyes away from the door and started walking back down the steps. Once at the bottom, I walked past both my living room and my kitchen. My eyes were set on the main door, where the smell of the Alpha grew even thicker.

The smell made my hands shake in anticipation. I drew a shaky hand through my thick black hair, running it all the way to the tips which stopped mid-torso. It was no use to stop the shaking in my hand, so I just grasped my backpack straps. If I couldn't stop the shaking, I might as well give my hands something else to do.

I was in front of my door, a toe away from the wooden frame. I could hear the Alpha tapping his foot on the other side. I drew in a breath, taking one last look at my empty house. I released the breath and reached down a hand and turned the handle.

I opened the door while taking a step back. "I'm sorry for the wait," my eyes shot to the floor.

"Don't worry I don't mind the wait." I didn't know the Alpha was a liar, though I didn't know him at all. This was only my fourth time meeting him.

First, to show me this house, the one I have been living in by myself starting at age six. That was twelve years ago. Second, to check on me two weeks later. Third a few weeks ago, to discuss if I wanted to depart. Fourth, this moment.

I noticed his feet were fidgeting on the porch. He was probably worried that the curse will jump onto him. Maybe it would, I didn't want to risk it, I moved my eyesight down to my toes.

I didn't really know what this curse is, I just know that it's a whole heap of bad luck when it awakens. I hope it couldn't kill anyone. I don't know how I would deal with myself if that ever happened.

"I assume by the backpack, you choose to leave?" I could feel his eyes peering into the top of my head.

I nod my head, "I don't want to bring my pack into this," The words got out a lot weaker then I planned them to. I don't talk to people. I've talked to the Alpha four times, and my teacher when I was younger than six, now I talk to myself a lot. I've read books if people talking, though interactions, such as now, come hard to me.

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