Chapter Seven

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August 25, 2019,


     I saw the forest grow in height and density in the distance. I sat up straighter as the large golden castle came in to view. It was glittering in the sunset, the light projecting off every angle. If someone told me that castle was heaven, I would believe them.

    Ivy grew up the side of some pillars in beautiful patterns. Even the weeds were beautiful here, how?

    We landed about a half-mile away. My handsome mate dropped his wing to the ground so I could side off. Once I was on the ground safely I patted his wing, signaling that it was okay for him fold it back into his body.

"Shei," the nickname made tingles run up my core. "You are going to have to be strong and firm here, or you will never get respect." I nodded, I was new, let alone a female. If I wanted something my foot had to go down and not budge.

"Will you shift into your human form?" It was purely a question, a clear sign if he trusted them or not.

"No, I must protect you." He growled out, not directed towards me. Directed towards the thought of me getting hurt.

Maybe going out this early just after finding each other was a bad idea. Though I'm not suffering, it's him. I giggled.

"What are you laughing about?" His big head slowly turned in my direction dodging the overhanging branches.

"Thinking about how unfortunate it is to be a newly mated male." I saw his eyebrows raise.

"You do this to me." He grunted, lowering his head to rub against my face. I laughed again, pushing his face away.

"I'm sorry," I said kissing the bridge of his snout. I held his large face in place starring into his eyes. "I like this form of yours. I feel safe with you." One swipe with his claws, my eyes fluttered down to his front foot, could take out at least three men.

"I like any of your forms, you can be a cow for all I care." I chuckled, and he chuckled along with me.

"I wouldn't know how I would feel about being ground beef." His eyes curved, his laughed filling up the entire forest.

"Should I make my entrance as a shadow wolf?"

"It definitely would leave a mark." He lifted his head, my hands fluttering to my side. "I would be lying if I said I didn't want to see your form..." there was a pause, "but I'm never going to be the one that forces you if you are uncomfortable."

The gods have blessed me with such a beautiful and kindhearted mate. "I will shift, but—" I tried to put my thoughts into words. "You have to promise it won't hurt anyone." I was still on edge about my 'gifts', haa, what a joke, it wasn't a gift, it had to be a curse.

"Mate." His eyes snapped to mine, not breaking even as we walked. "Do you want to hurt anyone?" A direct question. His words held so much power that I heard the words bouncing around in my head seconds later.

"Of course not!" I almost shouted, breaking eye contact to step over a fallen log.

"Then you won't." He was no longer looking at me, but ahead. If he was in human form, this definitely would have been a shrug moment.

"I haven't done it in a while." I stretch out my arms and legs getting ready for the quick pain that was about to occur.

"Isn't it like riding a bike?" He joked, his laugh so similar to his human form.

There were beautiful white lilies that ran alongside the dirt road. Willow trees hung over our heads, swiping against our face every so often. I swear I had to keep a watch out, some beaches just seem to move into my way. "I never learned how to ride a bike?" I said confused.

My Mate, The DragonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora