Chapter 60

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Underworld Eclipse was the largest club in Socrico, but with so many people packed in there, it just felt like a sardine can. In fact, I think I would have had more room to dance in a sardine can. At least it gave me an excuse to move as little as possible.

Nina, swinging her hips to my left, was making the most of the space we had and attracting a lot of attention as she did. Somewhere beyond the wriggling crowd, Cassia, Erin, and Gem were getting drunk at the bar. Erin could hold her liquor, but Cassia wasn't much better than Nina. And, despite being a bartender at The Silver Star, Gem was already wasted.

Around me, strobe lights pulsed purple and blue, and gold lasers flowed over the crowd like waves. Hologram men and women danced on shielded stands, encouraging any rare soul who remained hesitant to join in. Everyone everywhere was glowing as they shimmied and grinded to the synth-pop beat.

We'd been offered glow-in-the-dark face paint upon entry, and Nina had gone for a tribal look, painting stripes across her cheeks and nose. I had a pink butterfly glowing beneath my left eye. Nina had initially wanted to write BRIDE on my forehead, but Erin had thankfully helped me dissuade her.

She spun in a circle and fell against my chest with a smile. I sighed and tried to pry her off, glancing at the fire escape we were slowly inching towards. I had a plan, but I couldn't really go on my mission and leave her like this.

Just as I'd disentangled her, Cassia, Gem, and Erin pushed through the crowd. Nina turned and latched onto Erin. Gem, her hair dyed turquoise tonight, grabbed Cassia's hands and started dancing.

Erin raised an eyebrow at me over her girlfriend's head. When I pointed to the fire escape, she didn't question it. She just nodded and returned her attention to the three drunks.

Leaving them in her hands, I shoved through the remainder of the crowd. When I reached the fire escape, I pulled my warrant card out of my bra and punched down on the door handle. Pushing it open, I stepped into the bitterly cold night.

A bouncer was standing a few feet ahead of me. He turned around as he heard the door, and by the time I'd set both feet on the ground, he was scowling. I flashed my warrant card.

His scowl deepened as he glanced from my card to my dress. "What are the police doing here dressed like that?"

"It's my hen party." I folded my arms across my chest, trying to trap in some heat. "But while I'm out here, I'd like to ask some questions that might help my current investigation."

He looked at my face properly. "Aren't you the one from the news? You're marrying your sergeant."

"That's me. Inspector Rames. Levi Ford works here, doesn't he?"

"Yeah. What do you want with him?"

"A chat. Is he here tonight?"

I'd tried asking the bouncer on the main door when we'd arrived, but he'd ignored me. Fortunately, this one had no queue of people to pretend to be occupied with.

"Levi called in sick," he said. "I don't know what you want with him, anyway. He's a good guy."

"I just have some questions, that's all. He should be at his flat, then?"

"I don't know where the hell he is. I just know he's not here." The bouncer turned around. "Now leave me alone before I kick you out."

I went back inside. The stuffy air and pulsing bass hit me like a sledgehammer, and I winced as I cut a path back across the dance floor. I couldn't see my friends anywhere in the dizzying crowd, but I decided that I'd worry about finding them later. What I needed to find right now was my coat.

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