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As Serenity was driving me back home I kept thinking about what Nate said.

It really hurt me that he thinks like that about me. Haven't I made it obvious that I only want him? Maybe I'm too shy to show it, but I didn't think he wouldn't notice.

"Rose?" Serenity called out snapping me out of my trance, "Want to tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothing, why?" I asked trying to sound normal.

"I suppose it has to do with Nate?" She questioned.

"Yeah" I mumbled.

She chuckled and glanced at me, "It will be okay, Ares and I used to be just like that"

"I don't know. With Cole and all"

"Maybe I didn't go through everything you did, but I had an abusive father" She said.

I was shocked. I didn't know that about her.

"It is very different but I know how trauma feels"

She sounded completely calm. She even had a soft smile on her face. I didn't know how she could be okay with remembering all these things, but I guess she was so happy now that she didn't mind. She looked really happy.

"Nate compares himself to Cole all the time. He thinks I have feelings for Cole"

"Nate is just impulsive sometimes. He says stuff he doesn't mean or says whatever comes to his mind. Before you he didn't have anything troubling him and now he just doesn't know how to deal with it. He's facing new emotions but he'll get the hang of it in the end"

"I hope he will" I said.

After a few minutes she pulled over and we were home. I was a little nervous about seeing Nate again after all that happened between us.

Little did I know I had something else to be nervous about.

"We're here" She said.

"Thank you for everything" I said.

"That's what friends are for" She said winking, "Now go in there and talk to him"

I said goodbye and left the car walking towards the house.

Once I got in I noticed it was unusually quiet. With so many people living there, it was rarely so quiet.

I walked into the living room and was shocked to find Nate, Leo and Vincent all there.

There were some people there that I'd never seen before as well, but they reminded me of something. It was a middle aged couple, but I couldn't quite remember where I knew their faces from.

The woman had light blue eyes and curly brown hair and a slim form, while the man had graying black hair and green eyes, like mine and he had a fit form.

Nate stopped talking to them and looked at me with a smile.

"Hi" I said.

The couple stared at me with a weird look on their faces, they seemed unusually happy to see me, moved almost.

"Come sit here" Nate said patting the seat next to him. I sat next to him and thought it would be nice to introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Rose" I said.

The woman teared up and the man held her hands.

"Rosy, don't you know these people" Nate asked.

"I think I do, I just don't know where I've seen them before"

The woman took a paper out of her pocket and held it out for me, "Maybe this will help you remember" She said with a weak voice.

I took the paper in my hands to find it was a picture. I had some ideas about who they were but I didn't believe it could be them.

That was a picture of me as a child before I got kidnapped and my parents. My thoughts turned out to be right. The couple was actually my mom and dad.

I immediately felt my eyes watering as I looked at them and back at the picture.

"Do you recognize that?" The woman asked now slightly sobbing. The man was more composed but he had tears in his eyes as well.

"Yes" I whispered.

The woman, my mother, looked at my father smiling.

"We'll leave you alone for a while" Nate said standing up.

"Wait, can we talk?" I asked him. "Just for a few seconds"

"Sure" He said. I took his hand and led him to the hall where I hugged him.

"Thank you"

"It's the least I could do"

I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Rosy, I'm-I'm sorry about what I said" He said running his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay. I understand" I said, "I'll keep reminding you that I have feelings for you only" I said and kissed his cheek before running back to the living room.


Me and my parents talked for hours. I didn't really remember how they were. After a few years my memories with them started fading even though I tried hard to bring them back.

I wasn't really comfortable with them at first. I hadn't seen them in years and I didn't know how to act. They thought I was dead after all.

My mom was really emotional after seeing me. She hugged me for many minutes, my dad on the other hand was more hesitant even though he seemed really happy.

We talked for hours and I told them how Nate saved me. I refrained from telling them about Cole whenever they asked, I didn't want them to be sad.

"So you're coming to live with us, right?" My mom asked with a bright smile.

I was taken aback and didn't know what to say.

"I-I don't know about that"

"But we haven't seen you in years. We want to bond with you" My mom said.

"Mom I-there's something you should know" I said.

I felt kind of weird to say that in front of my dad but I had to. They had to know.

"I think I love Nate"

They both looked shocked, but the annoyance I saw on my dad's face was really getting to me.

"That's obvious honey" My mom smiled, "And he seems to love you a lot. I know from the way he talked about you"

"Sandra, we haven't seen her in years. It's only fair she comes to live with us" My dad said.

"It's not about what is fair Seth, it's about what she wants. We can come visit her after all and Nate and she can visit us"

"But we missed you, we thought you were dead"

Dad looked really hurt but I could understand him. I just didn't want to leave Nate but on the other hand, I wanted to spend time with my parents.

"I'm sorry dad, I can't leave. I don't want to"

"At least I know he is a good man since he saved you but I will keep an eye out for him" He said giving up. My mom smiled at him and winked at me.

"How about you tell him to come here and talk about this with him as well?" My mom suggested.

"Sure, I'll go tell him"

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