Part 54

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"Hey!" Echo said, moving to walk towards Vera but finding that her husband refused to remove his arm from around her waist. "Excuse me."

Luke smiled. 

"You're excused." He said, his grip still firm. 

"I can't move like this." She said with a fake frown. 

"That's the point." he said, leaning in and kissing her cheek and then the hollow behind her ear. Echo shivered. "You stay where you belong... here with me."

"We... we have guests to attend." She replied weakly. 

"Alright, so let's attend them!" Luke said, his arm still around her waist as he moved to meet Vera who was now just a few feet away. "Hello new sister."

Echo laughed. He was certainly in a playful mood tonight. 

"Hello new brother." Vera said with a grin, chuckling at him as she approached. "I have someone I want you to meet."

Echo and Luke glanced past Vera at the man who now stood behind her. He was gripping her hand, a little tightly, as if he was nervous about the introduction. 

"Of course." Echo said, wondering who he was. She didn't realize that Vera had been seeing someone. Of course, her sisters knew that they were more than welcome to bring dates or a friend but none had mentioned anyone, except maybe Maru who dragged along Jessica, as she always did. 

"Luke, Echo- this is Tom Dane." Vera said, tugging on Tom's hand and forcing him forward. Echo watched him closely, he looked nervous. It was actually almost comical. Echo was the one that was usually nervous about meeting new people but with Luke's arm around her waist, she felt so calm. Still, the man in front of him looked like a very scared boy... it was charming. "Tom, this is my sister Echo and her new husband, Luke Farina."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." Tom said, extending his hand to greet them. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Echo said as she watched him lock grips with Luke, instinctively knowing that Luke was gripping his hand more firmly than necessary. "We're glad you could make it."

"Thank you for having me." Tom said, relaxing a bit as Luke released his hand. He quickly reached for Vera's again. It was as if she was his security blanket and he needed her to feel safe. 

"Of course, please have something to drink, dance..." Luke said with a smile, turning to Echo. "Actually, I could use a dance myself."

Echo laughed. 

"Excuse us." Echo said, glancing at Tom and then smiling at Vera as Luke dragged her away. She didn't say anything, didn't bother asking for details but the look on Echo's face was enough to let Vera know she would be asking all those questions later. 

"So..." Luke said, as he pulled Echo even closer than before on the dance floor. 

"Yes?" Echo asked with a grin. She didn't know if it was the champagne or just the fact that she was Echo Farina now but she felt so fearless. Completely and utterly devoid of any nerves or anxiety. She took her hand from his and circled her arms around his neck, moving in closer. 

"How does it feel?" He asked, enjoying her boldness. 

"How does what feel?" She asked with a raised brow. 

"How does it feel to be married to the best looking guy in the room?" He teased, making her burst out laughing. 

"I wouldn't know. I didn't marry Tom." She said playfully. Luke plastered on a fake frown before giving her a gentle squeeze. 

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat