chapter 14

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Harrison POV:


I hurried over to Isaac, trying to ignore all the other student's voices. I heard Coach angrily scolding Dillon and something along the lines of a one week suspension.

"Harrison, take Isaac to the nurse." He instructed.

I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the nurse. His right eye looked like it was forming a painful bruise, how good of a thrower was Dillon, jeez.

"Oh poor boy. What happened?" The nurse rushed over to me, surveying Isaac's face.

"He got hit pretty hard in the face with a dodgeball." I replied, placing him on the empty bed. Even knocked out, he still looked beautiful.

I sat on the chair next to him, watching nurse Naylor try to find an ice pack. "Oh you can go sweetheart, if you need to go to your next lesson."

I shook my head, "No it's fine, I can wait for him."

She smiled at me, then wrapped the ice pack in a towel, and placed it on Isaac's eye. "If you could just hold this in place for about 15 minutes, and tell him when he wakes up to repeat several times a day for about two days." She handed the ice pack to me. "Thank you darling."

I nodded in response, I would much rather be here than in physics with Mr Bull, he was the rudest teacher I'd met in a while.

I watched the clock hand tick slowly, thinking of ways to get Dillon back. It was so obvious it was deliberate, I should've been there for him. I heard shuffling noises and instantly looked down at Isaac to see him moving slightly.

He was awake.

"F-fuck." He tried to get up, but fell back down. "Where am I?" He looked around and realised he was in the nurse's room. "My eye hurts like a fucking bitch, who threw the dodge ball?" He absentmindedly put his hand over mine that was holding the ice pack, his hand warm compared to mine.

I was so distracted at the fact that his hand was on mine, that I forgot he had even asked me a question. "Hellooo, Harrison." He waved his free hand in front of my face. "Did you get hit too? Maybe you have a concussion. How many fingers am I holding up?" He put up 4 fingers.

"Shut up. I heard what you said and I'm definitely not concussed, I didn't get hit."

"That's what somebody who had a concussion would say." He mumbled, but I heard it loud and clear, but decided to ignore it. "Dillon threw the ball." I finally answered.

Isaac's eyes became narrowed and cold, "I should've known, that boy is crazy."

"I thought you and Zavier were the enemies, not you and Dillon."

"So did I." He sighed, closing his eyes. "The ice pack feels so good."

"Do you want me to leave?" Please say no. Please say no. Please say no.

"No stay." He repositioned himself, his hand coming off mine now. Damnit. "I'm actually so tired."

"What time did you sleep last night?"

"I don't even know, probably like 3." He opened his eyes again, looking at me with those sickeningly blue eyes. "Thanks Harrison."

"Thanks?" I repeated unsure of what he was thanking me for.

"Yeah, for being there of course." He smiled, gently taking my hand off the ice pack, and replacing it with his then standing up.

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