Chapter 6: The Gap in Memory

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It was way passed two in the afternoon when Allen had gotten everything he knew of the Four Great Earthly Kingdoms out to suffice the curious minds of the twins, specially Neah, and now they all stood on the doorstep of Cross' mansion, waiting for their chauffeur.

Cross had his back on the opened double doors of the front mansion with his arms folded against his chest as he glared at the smiling twins, or in Neah's case, grinning. "Your mother would be happy to have my head." He grumbled.

"Why would you say that?" asked Allen, turning around to face the red headed boy in confusion. He knew Cornelia as a sweet and compassionate lady, and to hear what Cross had said did not make it sense to him.

The red headed boy averted his glare to Allen, who was unfazed of it. "You don't know her as I know her, idiot."

"Yes, I do. The Lady is fair, sweet, humble, and has a good humour. So, I don't understand why you'd said she'd be glad to have your head."

"On a silver platter." Mana added to Allen's sentence, which was amended by Neah, saying, "Golden platter, you mean," much to Cross' displeasure.

Now, it only made Allen more curious upon seeing the mischievous glint in the twins' eyes. Scowling, he turned his attention back to Cross, who was seething at Mana and Neah, and asked. "Did you do something that would make aunt Cornelia wants to behead you, Cross?" After that question, everyone fell in silence, which was soon cut by the incoming carriage, as they all stared dumbly at Allen. "What? Something in my face?" the brunette asked, rubbing his cheeks with the back of his hands to see anything that would indicate the dirt on his face, only to find nothing. Growing frustrated at the lengthening silence, Allen stomped his foot childishly as he asked, "What!?" once again.

"Ummm…" Mana started, but did not go further.

Shifting his weight, Neah tilted his head a little to the right and asked, "Did you not remember three years ago?"

"Three years ago…?" inquired Allen.

"Yes." Replied Mana. "You were staying in for two nights in our house, and then before your parents came to fetch you, Uncle Cyrus brought us three, and Belle here for the first time to visit his friend and met with their sole child."

"Which, I dare say, was the most unpleasant thing that had happened in my short life." Grumbled Cross, huffing.

"Why." Allen asked yet again, reviving the silence that did not last long as Cross sighed heavily and told him it was best to leave the matter. However, it did not appease Allen as it only made him more curious and it worried him to not remember such a thing from three years ago. Finally voicing out his worries, he mumbled under his breath, "Why don't I remember it?"

"You probably hit your head hard or something that made you forget." Neah shrugged.

"Maybe you're right." Allen smiled.

"Anyways, you two idiots have to go, really. You're supposed to be back by lunch and not way pass it." Cross pushed the twins in the carriage, and Allen lagged behind them.

Mana was the first one to get inside the carriage, followed by Neah, and they sat facing front while waiting for Allen, who was currently standing by Cross as he looked over the whole manor. Cross had mentioned before, or hinted, that he had visited the place before his parents' death, and not long ago it was confirmed. True, he was with his parents during the accident two years ago, and his memory of it was a little vague. He wanted to believe that he had hit his head before, causing him to forget some things. However, it did not sit well in him. He had a strong sense that there was more to his forgetfulness; that there was something amiss.

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