Chapter 9

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I give Bailey twenty minutes before I threaten to leave her, that's twenty minutes of standing and waiting around. Nia still sulking and it's starting to irritate me.

"Bailey come on!" I walk into JD with Tili close by.

"Just ten more minutes." She whines holding Justin's hand.

"No," I shake my head but she just turns back to him like say she didn't hear me, "you wanna be like that?" I ask her then fish in my front pocket for five dollars "Buy a bus ticket and go home when your done!" I slap the money in her hand.

"Jeez Okay!" She lets go of Justin and follow me out "I'm keeping the five dollars." She mumble but I hear her. I move to an exit and start making my way to my car "Is she mad at me?" I hear Bailey as Tili behind me thanks to my wolf hearing.

"I don't think so. She's just hungry." Tili tries to convince Bailey. When we get to the parking lot I stop in my tracks and take a moment to look around, where the hell is my car? I turn back to Bailey and Tili who have stopped too.

I decide to not tell them that I have no idea where my car is and keep going, I take us to the back of the parking lot sure my car is close by. I would love to let Nia take control so she can find it since what's mine is her but she has a different love for my bike that she doesn't share with my car.

We pass the cart drop off and keep going "Are you sure we went this deep?" I hear Tili ask and I nod a little too hard and then stop in my tracks once again. Saint's strong masculine smell hits my nostrils making Nia want to act up, I turn my head now looking for him instead on my car.

Wait a damn minute. What the hell is wrong with me! Why am I looking for Saint?!

"I have no idea where we're going!" I turn confessing to my little sisters, I don't pay attention to their reactions instead my eyes land on a black familiar Mustang. My eyes shift to the driver and my heart skips a beat, out of no where the urge for him to come out and talk me overwhelms me.

Why do I want him to talk to me? He partially cornered me earlier and I don't think I want to end up back in a situation like that again, especially not with him. He makes me feel shit that I don't understand so I just want to stay clear.

I know he knows I'm looking, but it isn't until one of his betas say something that he looks up to meet my eyes. Was that beta always there? Or was it because I noticed Saint before anything else that I didn't see him?

Saint's blue eyes pierce mine giving me and intense stare, I can't read his face, I don't think anyone can. If someone was looking at you with a blank expression and one of his hands on the wheel, would you think he's a serial killer?

"Earth to Nadia!" I see a hand wave in from of my face making me look around before looking back at my sisters "I said I think I saw the car back there- what are you even looking at?" She turns trying to follow my gaze but I glance away.

"I thought I saw my car, I was um, trying to read the license plate." I nod letting the lie roll smoothly off my tongue.

"Let's go, before mom calls." Bailey says and we start to move, I tag along behind them letting Nia get last glance before the we move further away from Saint but closer to my car. Thank the universe when we find my car, we get in and I make it a priority that we get home as soon as possible.

"Sorry we're late ma'!" Tili shouts like say we're not werewolves and we don't have supernatural hearing "Nadia couldn't find her car."

"Thanks Tili!" I sigh making my way to the kitchen with Bailey, I walk in to see my father at his place so I greet him "Hi dad."

"How are you?" He asks as I sit down.

"Good," I nod looking down at my plate ready to eat. When all is clear we start to dig in and the conversations start.

"So did you see Justin?" Mom asks and I look over at Bailey.

"Yeah," she nods swallowing some food "we had to leave early considering the circumstances." She looks at me.

"And how was school?"

"Good, we had an exam but I was pretty easy." She puts chicken in her mouth "Am I gonna go to the same collage as Nadia?" Her voice rises, mom looks at my father from across the table then back at Bailey.

"Easy there," my dad takes over "it's still the middle of the year. You finish up first." He tells her and she nods.

"What about you Tili?" Mom asks picking up her glass of water.

"There was a fight at lunch, it was between two of my friends."

"What were they fighting about?" I ask stabbing my fork into a carrot.

"They has a really big argument on Monday over John, this boy, and then they completely ignored each other yesterday and then today they just started fighting. Julia swung first." She adds then fills her mouth up.

"Who fights over dick?"

"Language!" My dad growls at me and I bow my head.

"Sorry, who fights over boys?" I correct myself, then remember about my letter "Oh yeah! I um, I have a letter-"

"What have I told you about ums?" Dad interrupts me.

"Sorry, I have a letter for you." I fill my mouth up with food but it just feels like I'm drowning a little deeper in embarrassment, my dad hates when I um in the middle of my sentence, he also hates when I swear but that's not as bad as the ums.

I try not to um as often as I used to but it's still a working progress.

I'm my own alpha Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum